How Apollo fares is not likely to deter Carlyle from listing, but it could encourage it to hold fire.
These would have been cut by even more had the companies not persuaded the rating agencies to hold fire while they try to flog any assets they can.
Early on, the show had an era of restraint in which the hero, Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens (the tall drink of water Timothy Olyphant), tried to convince his bosses that he could hold fire.
But it is too early to tell if this really is a sign that Mr Abbas is persuading the militants to hold fire, or whether it was simply a brief lull to mark this week's Muslim festival of Eid.
Another decrease was "possible, even likely, " in February after the release of likely "horrid" data for the final month of last year, but the rates panel would then hold fire to evaluate the results of its action, he said.
"The retreat in consumer price inflation in June boosts the case for the Bank of England to hold fire on interest rates for many more months to come to give the fragile, faltering economy every chance to develop growth momentum, " said Howard Archer, economist at IHS Global Insight.
In other words, does he want them to hold their fire in the interests of creating this atmosphere that he talked about yesterday?
To prevail in the primaries, Mr Romney had to blitz the airwaves at great expense, while Mr Obama, as the unopposed Democratic nominee, has been able to hold his fire.
Because the men and women who go to war will tell you that the loved ones they leave behind have a profound effect on their ability to hold up under fire.
"Additionally, a couple of windows appeared to have been opened before the fire took hold, " Mr Riley said.
More than 1, 100 firefighters remained in Ruidoso as they fight to hold the Little Bear Fire that is now 60 percent contained.
"The real question is whether the cease-fire will hold, how long it will hold, and whether it can be used to build upon and improve the situation and crisis, " said Haim Malka of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
CNN: Truce takes effect between Israel and militants in Gaza
This covers not only teenaged boys, getting a thrill by watching a fire take hold and spread, but those motivated by the "hero factor" - people who want to be involved and to take the credit for fighting the blaze.
"I like some of the things that the Democratic candidates are saying, but you have to hold their feet to the fire, " he said.
The fire quickly took hold as the stairwell acted like a chimney, forcing many of the occupants to jump from the building or climb down drainpipes.
In practice, given that agriculture is often unprofitable for many years, the IRS is unlikely to hold your feet to the fire immediately on that one.
The conservative or Coalition opposition is determined to hold her feet to the fire by not granting proxy-vote courtesies in the new session that begins Tuesday in Canberra.
On Wednesday Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told Mitchell that the cease-fire between Israel and Gaza would hold only if Hamas -- which rules Gaza -- ends weapons smuggling into Gaza and halts rocket fire into Israel.
The London Fire Authority has decided not to challenge Mayor Boris Johnson's order to hold a public consultation on proposed cuts to London Fire Brigade.
BBC: London Fire Authority agrees to allow cuts consultation
The new commissioners will have the power to hire and fire chief constables, hold them to account and set the forces' budgets.
And hopefully constituents will hold people's feet to the fire that love to give great speeches about creating jobs and then send people home off the job sites.
Video from the scene showed people clambering on the wreckage -- including parts of the fallen plane -- and working together to hold up what appeared to be a fire hose.
It was designed with a specific purpose in mind, which was to hold Congress's feet to the fire, which is what everybody said at the time would be the effect of the provision.
As for the sequester, it was designed, again, in this act of Congress, voted on by members of both parties and signed into law by this President, specifically to be onerous, to hold Congress's feet to the fire.
Plans for a full merger between Cambridgeshire and Suffolk's fire services have been put on hold.
Kindle Fire HD, Kindle Fire, Kindle Paperwhite and Kindle hold the top four spots on the Amazon worldwide best seller charts since launch.
The U.S. hopes the threat will "hold Saddam Hussein's feet to the fire" on compliance with U.N. requirements for inspection and monitoring of Iraq's weapons program.
Johnson had quickly established his eminence in the forties on 52nd Street, his sober, deliberately gloved tone partnering a rapid-fire execution that allowed him to hold his own with the trumpets and saxophones of the bebop small group.