Yet, to judge from these lists, this axiom does not hold good for book publishers.
So I chose Argonne National Lab because right now, few areas hold more promise for creating good jobs and growing our economy than how we use American energy.
But since we cannot transport ourselves through time, we do not know which style of funds will hold our investments in good stead for the next several years.
"The forwards were awesome - they kept hold of the ball for a good five minutes, " said Wigglesworth.
Weak capital standards before the crisis encouraged banks to borrow too much, and led investment banks in particular to hold more trading assets than was good for them.
Roth IRA conversions made in 2011 that hold mainly international stocks may be good candidates for reversal, says Ann Reilley Gugle, a planner at Alpha Financial Advisors in Charlotte, N.
It was a wonderful time for market-timers but a devastating time for buy and hold investors, until the Dow finally broke out above 1000 for good, and launched into the powerful 1982-2000 secular bull market.
Another unlooked-for trait that may hold him in good stead with voters during the next several weeks is his friendship with McCain.
And keep in mind that the stock market's recent drop is good news if you plan to hold stocks and bonds for a long time.
Apparently, now is as good a time as any for Julius Baer to hold an IPO.
PQ's promise to hold another referendum if elected put many voters off, perhaps for good.
ECONOMIST: Canada: Au revoir separatism, bonjour “autonomy” | The
Second, and more importantly, it indicates that BP believes the blowout at the Macondo well has been stopped, that the cap in place now will continue to hold back the gusher until the relief wells can kill it for good.
Intensive care succeeds only when we hold the odds of doing harm low enough for the odds of doing good to prevail.
At the same time, I do think there are some individuals who, frankly, hold a smaller percentage of equities today than they did historically for quite good reasons, which is just, namely, that the volatility in the markets and the expected volatility in markets is greater.
That is hardly good news for the Tories, but it should enable them to hold Beckenham.
Mr Mather said to hold the referendum and the election on the same day "cannot be a good thing for democracy in Scotland".
Even those banks that are in good shape may want to hold back amid uncertainty over capital-adequacy requirements and accounting rules for off-balance-sheet assets.
With the Federal Reserve set to hold rates at current levels until 2015, that means a good chance of a high gold price for some years to come.
ECONOMIST: Gold remains popular, despite the doubts of economists
It was the Italian's first wet-weather pole since Imola in 1996, when he was in the 125cc class, proof that if Lorenzo is heading for the exit door Rossi is happy to hold it open - and even give him a boot up the backside on the way out for good measure.
First, we need to reconcile the American people's demands for swift action with the fact that a good bill requires time -- time to hold hearings, read the bill in painstaking detail, and root out waste.
And I would also like to thank the leadership of the Czech Republic, Mr. President, for the invitation to hold this signing ceremony here in this beautiful city, in this beautiful springtime, thereby creating a good atmosphere for the future.
WHITEHOUSE: Signing of New START Nuclear Arms Treaty with Russia
Imaging techniques are so good that geologists can approximate standing inside a rock formation to look for the spots most likely to hold oil.
If you are a current employee or ex-employee who pines for the old days of the company (or still hold shares or options), chances are good you hate an incompetent CEO and board too.
FORBES: 13 Tips for Starting An Arab Spring in Corporate America
As House Manager Canady has pointed out, the 1974 report by the staff of the Nixon impeachment inquiry concluded that the constitutional provision stating that judges would hold office during 'good Behaviour, ' does not limit the relevance of judges' impeachments with respect to standards for presidential impeachments.