If Pennsylvania's 6th Congressional District is typical, though, economic issues still hold sway with voters.
Fast-growing emerging economies feel under-represented in an institution where Europe and America still hold sway.
He may try to hold local elections to install governments in towns where gangs hold sway.
Some faculty members objected to an outside political organization trying to hold sway over which courses survived.
Thank goodness not all securities analysts work for banks where banking, not research and analysis, hold sway.
Street gangs hold sway in many of the poorest, most densely populated parts of the capital city, Port-au-Prince.
But a majority of Thais still live in rural areas, where old political party machines continue to hold sway.
Although tariffs are notionally set by regulators, local politicians often hold sway and keep them low to win votes.
Between the two of them, Rwanda and Uganda now hold sway over more than half of the entire country.
He will hold sway over American military operations from Kenya to Kazakhstan.
Distributors still hold sway in the U.S., thanks to strict state laws governing how liquor can make it into retail stores.
Investment bankers and lawyers still hold sway, and the regulators still must approve the merger of American Airlines and US Airways.
FORBES: Big Deal: Reflections on the American and US Airways Megamerger
Swiss, Dutch or German companies hold sway when it comes to large and expensive roller coasters, but Italians dominate other rides.
North of the Ibar, between Mitrovica and Serbia proper, they hold sway.
Even if that is wrong, catch-all parties of some sort will continue to hold sway in Germany, believes Wolfgang Schroeder of Kassel University.
But it looks like El Nino is about to pick up and will hold sway in the next couple of months at least.
The darker version of this theme is that the four will use their power to hold sway with litigators, regulators and standards setters.
ECONOMIST: The auditing profession is dangerously concentrated
Rebels of the Houthi clan hold sway in much of the north, around Saada, while a secessionist movement has gained momentum in the south.
There, religious groups, which view gambling as a sin, and Indian tribes, which get rich from largely un-taxed casinos on reservation lands, hold sway.
Lady Thatcher was in this part of the country, where the Liberal Democrats now hold sway, in an attempt to bolster William Hague's apparently beached election campaign.
Not without reason: although some Shia dynasties, such as the Fatimids in Egypt, did hold sway for long periods, Islam's early caliphs often oppressed their Shia subjects.
In much of the countryside, usurious moneylenders still hold sway.
Thousands of candidates from 50 electoral blocs were vying for 378 seats on provincial councils, which hold sway over public works projects and other decisions at the local level.
The giant insurance group, which owns 22% of Dresdner directly and sells insurance through its branches, is thought to hold sway over 40% of the bank's shares in all.
The concept of banding together as one glorious generation or group of people to stand up and make one common statement does not hold sway with this generation of young people.
In other southern states big urban and minority populations hold sway in Democratic primaries, pulling candidates to the left of the general electorate and highlighting polarising issues such as race and immigration.
Drizzle and dank depression hold sway in Portland, Oregon, as Doug (Cris Lankenau), a forensic-science dropout, sits around with his sister (Trieste Kelly Dunn) in a mumblecore drowse, bereft of ambition or purpose.
While Mr Ozawa is a divisive figure who faces trial on charges of misreporting political donations, he is still thought to hold sway over more than 100 members of the Diet, our correspondent adds.
Published on the eve of the NPT review conference now under way in New York, this series underscored the extent to which denuclearizers now hold sway in the Clinton Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Energy Department and Pentagon.