Weekends and holidays are meant to be spent with families, not spent finishing up work.
Last month, this work earned them a 2012 Responsible Tourism Award from Virgin Holidays.
Living in a largely Christian community during the holidays has exposed differences between Joe and me.
The amount you spend during the holidays is dictated by the available balance on your cards.
Do you have savings set aside or room in your monthly budget for the holidays?
The training area is used throughout the year except on Sundays, public holidays and during August.
Best Buy did not comment on how many tablets it plans to stock for the holidays.
FORBES: Best Buy Exec Says Holiday Tablets Will Be Mostly Android-Based
Gurkiren became ill while visiting the Punjab with her family during the Easter holidays.
Much of Asia and Europe celebrated public holidays Wednesday, which made for quieter dealings overnight.
Dodd is dead serious about working nonstop for 365 days without breaks or holidays.
Unite's Brendan Gold said it was not their intention to ruin people's summer holidays.
Whether the culprit is weather, it seems that the post-holidays drive to cheat affects mostly men.
Many of our military families will be welcoming loved ones home for the holidays.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Honoring Our Veterans for Their Service and Sacrifice | The White House
At a meeting September 10, the town voted to fly the flags on six specified holidays.
Most nights during the holidays, the streets surrounding the Clot house were cluttered with wide-eyed pilgrims.
WSJ: Embracing the Robo Elves of the Bill Clot Christmas Display | Traveler's Tale
Workers in the polar north were given better wages and longer holidays than anyone else.
For more on the national picture on state sales tax holidays, click here.
FORBES: Massachusetts State No. 17 With 2011 Sales Tax Holiday
This is despite the extra public holidays in June to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee anniversary.
In three months, with three major holidays intervening, the first primary elections will take place.
By now you are back from holidays and getting stuck into the new year.
On special holidays, I would visit my parents with my journalist husband and children.
First, the cheaper dollar increases the relative price of Japanese cars, French wines and Italian holidays.
Local opinion, cheerfully, was that it had been among the wettest bank holidays ever witnessed.
As a result, nice, fresh, free-range geese appear in the butcher's case around the winter holidays.
Many holidays in rural Wales are farmhouse-based and some farmers are being doubly hit.
"I suspect like many people from Birmingham he came out here for holidays, " she said.
The Philippines allows only five days off, though it also has 15 public holidays.
Students got grants, travel expenses, help with the rent - even the dole during the holidays.
The wide spread sales featured for the holidays benefit consumers saving for lower prices.
Bartolini and Busch agree that manufacturers and retailers will enter the holidays off guard.
FORBES: Will Electronics Shortages Cause Holiday Retail Crisis?