Many of our military families will be welcoming loved ones home for the holidays.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Honoring Our Veterans for Their Service and Sacrifice | The White House
The turkey tension depicted in the movie "Home for the Holidays" rings true for actress Holly Hunter.
No one should go home for the holidays until we get this done.
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And now the rest of our troops will be home for the holidays.
Then, after wrapping up major legislative business (mainly the 2008 budget) Tuesday night, many senators headed home for the holidays.
"But going home for the holidays causes the old ways of thinking and feeling to rise to the surface, " says Dr. Shorey.
She had to consider travel expenses, including trips home for the holidays.
That's why we see the flurry of activity at the end of the year, when members of Congress want to get home for the holidays.
And the character and courage of our men and women in uniform who are far from home for the holidays, away from their families, risking their lives to protect ours.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Celebrating Christmas and Honoring Those Who Serve | The White House
My family continues my mother's tradition at Christmas, when we open our home to relatives, neighbors, my six children and even their friends -- extending our family to include those unable to head home for the holidays.
Her college-age daughter, Jessica, who was home for the holidays, would have been lounging on a bed that's now "charred and mangled" if she hadn't decided to head back to school a few days early, Crockett said.
Regardless of how they travel, everyone should be able to get home safely for the holidays.
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Just before they headed home for the winter holidays, Republicans went into duck and cover mode and Congress voted to extend the payroll tax break for two months without paying for the extension, of course.
Luke Kazmierczak, who was home from college for the holidays, told police he witnessed the incident.
She is also grateful to have a job that pays time and a half plus bonus pay for overnight hours, even if it means she can't fly home to her own family for the holidays.
Which home would you like for the holidays?
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Walking home from school, after breaking up for the summer holidays, she comes across a fat tabby cat called Arnold, who, much to her surprise, introduces himself.
Frantic efforts by local authorities and the Bulgarian embassy have seen pickers put up in schools closed for the holidays and then sent home on rented buses.
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By contrast, foreign students now in the U.S. know that when they go home for summer vacation or holidays, their probability of returning to school is no sure thing.
"This is where the individual or whole family is based in military accommodation and they buy or rent another home in Wales, usually in readiness for retirement but it may equally be for the purposes of holidays etc, " a spokesperson said.
But for those of us who plan on checking our email through the holidays that extra time at home may not be as joyous as it sounds.
FORBES: Taking It Easy Through The Holidays? Working From Home Won't Help
"I'm hoping that Senator Daschle went home over the holidays, listened to the people and decided that President Bush may be right about the need for an economic security package, " Hughes said.