Assortative matching, where people splinter into small groups to achieve maximum homogeneity, is one result.
Westerners should recall the extraordinary racial, cultural, economic, and intellectual homogeneity of our own revolutionary generations.
Mann dubs this period the Homo-genocene, referring to the increasing homogeneity of the world.
Europe's problems are that it has greater cultural homogeneity and lacks recent experience of large-scale immigration.
Have the courage to defy homogeneity and break the pattern, and who knows, something interesting might happen.
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Botswana's biggest advantage over virtually every other African country is its ethnic homogeneity: it has no big tribal divisions.
In fact, as Mr Guha's teacher, the late historian Dharma Kumar, once said, Indians should applaud the lack of homogeneity.
Orange County used to be a metaphor for bland homogeneity, its politics solidly Republican, its population overwhelmingly white, its problems small-town.
Hyper-Homogeneity: look around any high potential group and what is really striking is often how similar they are to each other.
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We can bristle at the idea of chains and mass production, with their homogeneity, predictability, and constant genuflection to the value-for-money god.
And unlike dual-drive designs, WD's hybrid technology provides single-unit design homogeneity that OEM system manufacturers have long sought from the storage industry.
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The key causes included group cohesion, directive leadership and ideological homogeneity.
Two possible explanations for this preference for homogeneity occur to me.
This process systematically narrows the candidate pool, leading to homogeneity in hiring, a reduction in new approaches and new ways of thinking, and a less valuable, less dynamic employee population.
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The idea has even emerged of crafting as a form of political activism -- the term "Craftivism" has been coined to describe the idea of 'making your own' as a statement against runaway consumerism and the homogeneity of mass production.