Ansbacher got hooked on selling call options on individual stocks during the early 1970s.
Razor clams, soft shell clams, hooked mussels, and blue crabs piggybacked of these reefs.
Most of these scams hooked their prey by promising high income with little or no risk.
She was hooked to a monitor and had an intravenous drip in her left arm.
We tried to hail a cab on 5th Avenue but hooked a silver Mercedes instead.
And when they learned that they could shoot boomerangs at peacocks, they were hooked.
In August lines hooked to the plane snapped when boats tried pulling it to the surface.
Large, old phone companies are hooked to shareholders who desire only reliable dividend checks.
Once I started reading the case file on the Holloway and Levy cases, I was hooked.
We hooked up PCs at small to medium-size businesses so workers could share information.
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He also hooked us up with hors d'oeuvres for a cocktail party of 25 people.
At Kleine Nachtrevue, it took just one quick snippet of burlesque to get us hooked.
That said, after reading the first chapter I was hooked and ordered the book.
Then I decided to take it for a test drive and I was immediately hooked.
Modern Family started off with a huge bang, and I was pretty much instantly hooked.
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Instead they strike a stance of support -- mother and daughter side by side, arms hooked.
Often a radio will be powered by jumper cables hooked to a car battery.
He found the city tough but was hooked on the possibilities of a society in transition.
That first computerized register, known as a point-of-sale, or POS, system, wasn't hooked into the Internet.
Even games developers themselves have expressed concern about online games that rely on keeping players hooked.
It's a pretty fast sport so a lot of people get hooked right away.
The computer is hooked up to fiber-optic cables leading to DOT and University of Minnesota networks.
Now, imagine every single device in the store was hooked to a ubiquitous, high-speed wireless network.
We pass a surfcaster, who stares at Melnyk, jaws agape like a hooked striper.
Bronfman then hooked up Loquesea's head, Carlos Lizarralde, with record industry and media executives.
Steve Jobs hooked his arm through whatever axis the tech universe spins around and twisted mightily.
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And we'll see if we can get you hooked up with one of them.
WHITEHOUSE: "White House to Main Street" Town Hall: Elyria, OH
Twelve minutes in, Kilmarnocks's Allan Russell had a hooked effort blocked 18-yards out by Scobbie.
He told me that he can still remember when he first got hooked by Linux.
Mr Ratner has hooked up with the jeweller Goldsmiths to sell jewellery on the internet.