But is hooking up -- and its sometimes bittersweet emotions -- just part of life?
Hooking up with a team means sponsorships, stadium signage and an e-mail database for contacting fans.
But this go around, the Soyuz only orbited four times before hooking up with the space station.
Hooking up the system was a snap, although the cable box and VCR had to be removed first.
Hooking up with Nasdaq does give SharesPost, and the whole idea of trading private shares, some added legitimacy.
FORBES: Life After Facebook: Nasdaq Will Hook Up With SharesPost To Sell Private Stock
Hyundai of South Korea plans an ultra-low-cost car for South-East Asia and Fiat is hooking up with India's Tata.
Aereo would allow consumers to watch and record broadcast TV online by hooking up a small antenna to an Internet connection.
That means police need to get a warrant before hooking up laptops to cars and forcing them to testify against their drivers.
FORBES: Man's SUV Shouldn't Have Been Able to Testify Against Him
Meantime, Ranbaxy is hooking up with strong partners--even sometime enemies in court.
Frick made his money turning coal into coke for making steel, later hooking up with Carnegie to form what would become U.S. Steel.
By hooking up a keyboard or mouse to the USB port, users can easily edit Office files or connect to a printer to print.
ENGADGET: NTT DoCoMo's Fujitsu F-07C now available, marries Windows 7 and Symbian at last
When directors did not resign, he began a proxy fight to oust them, hooking up with Bruce Meyers, who controls 8% of the shares.
The looming growth gap could precipitate a new wave of megamergers, as companies seek temporary fixes by hooking up with rivals and slashing overhead.
Promod Haque (62) of Norwest Venture Partners is targeting India (see FORBES, Sept. 5), hooking up with big local partners to form Yatra Online.
London (CNN) -- If keeping track of friends was the first wave of social media, the next may be all about hooking up with strangers.
Iiguez began by hooking up Cemex's geographically dispersed operations via satellite -- an unusual move, to say the least, for a then-modest Mexican cement company.
Testing new cars behind closed doors by hooking up engines to computer models, on the other hand, ensures that nobody can take any embarrassing pictures.
She also encourages young people to take breaks from "hooking up, " find quiet time to talk to friends about intimacy and go out on real dates.
Not long after taking the job, Iiguez began hooking up Cemex's operations via satellite -- an unusual move, to say the least, for a then- modest Mexican cement company.
Further, the fund managers aim to meet individually with at least 90% to 100% of the chief executives of mining companies, whether at their offices or hooking up at conferences.
FORBES: USAGX's Denbow Looks For Gold Stocks 'That Will Survive In Most Markets'
As for hooking up to sound systems, the rig packs front and rear RCA pre-outs, separate subwoofer outputs and a baked-in 25-watt x 4 channel RMS power amplifier, to boot.
With this kind of interest in social networking applications, he thinks he has the next big thing and he wouldn't mind hooking up with the likes of a Facebook or Twitter.
For more than 20 years, Savage has been hooking up connoisseurs of the decorative arts with the owners of England's great estates, where most of the finest antiques are to be found.
In other words, today's college culture has turned hooking up into a sport that all the "cool" kids are playing -- or at least talking about -- even if they secretly hate it.
Fact is, whether Brad, Angelina, Jennifer, Bristol, Levi, Snooki, Kim or anyone else is hooking up, breaking up, or something in between, the odds and ends of their relationships are grist for the IRS mill.
FORBES: Kim Kardashian And Kris Humphries - Is There A Tax Angle ?
Before I became a singer, I was traveling around the world, doing a little modeling, doing fashion things, hooking up with girls and partying, doing all the stuff a good-looking Swedish man should be doing.
FORBES: Flashback: Swedish Sensation Gunther On Sex, Champagne and IKEA
Hooking up the iPhone, iPad or iPod touch wirelessly via Apple TV or to a high-definition TV by using an HDMI adapter means vjay for iPhone mixes can easily be beamed onto the big screen for friends and family to marvel at.
ENGADGET: Algoriddim's vjay gets remixed for iPhone, mobile movies meet the mash-up (video)
Big Blue is hooking up with DeCode (nasdaq: DCGN - news - people ) in a pioneering three-year deal to jointly sell an integrated computer system that combines DeCode's unique gene-mining software, which sleuths out genetic risk factors for diseases, with IBM's (nyse: IBM - news - people ) servers and database software.