It portrays equal parts of hope and despair depicting people getting ready for their workdays.
It was June 1968, a year when hope and despair often filled the same hour.
Because there was no hope and the situation was so frightening, I was between hope and despair, between life and death.
First, reporter Eve Troeh describes the mix of economic hope and despair.
Dr Subhadra Menon is Head, Communication, The Public Health Foundation of India and author of No Place to Go: Stories of Hope and Despair from India's Ailing Health Sector, published by Penguin Books.
Through this window I hope to expose you to the hope, despair, stagnation and opportunity that is Kibera.
Sally's also suspicious that Matt, a decade older, is hiding a wife someplace, yet Paulsen skillfully alternates between hope, suspicion, despair and glimpses of fondness for Matt.
For now there are grounds for both despair and hope.
FORBES: Despair and Hope Beyond Chairman Bernanke's Monetary Cliff
Incurably ill patients grapple with both despair and hope of such magnitude that they are willing to try unproven embryonic stem cell treatments overseas despite mounting evidence that doctors who perform such procedures, currently not approved in the United States, do so only to convert hope into cash.
FORBES: Embryonic Stem Cells an Undying Lure for the Ill, CNN Doc Shows
The Browns hope the first-time head coach can end years of despair and constant losing, and maybe resurrect a franchise that has made just one trip to the playoffs in the past 14 years.
But the tone is new and has given a bit of hope to those who had begun to despair that the new government would ever embark on the painful reforms needed to put Germany back on the path to recovery.
This blog is in honor of all of those who, when faced with tragedy, despair, and darkness are, somehow, able to shed light, hope, and vision for those who choose to follow them.
This offers hope for those who despair of the SEC's bungling, suggesting that in the internet age forensic vigilantes and bloggers may fill the gap.