If you are accosted by a boatload of horned-helmeted Vikings when strolling Dublin's streets, do not be alarmed.
Shoe-horned into their entertainment, they passively accept mini-lectures about detergents, frozen foods, hair coloring and beer.
Kaziranga National Park is renowned for being home to 60% of India's rare one-horned rhinos.
There are also readings, re-enactments and combat displays -- and costumes including horned helmets, of course.
In South Africa, some reserves post signs telling would-be poachers that they have de-horned the rhinos.
They were hunting one of the world's most endangered mammals, the greater Asian one-horned rhinoceros.
He helped unearth 16 fossilized triceratops, the scary three-horned rhinoceros-like dinosaur thought to have fought the giant Tyrannosaurus rex.
It is now almost extinct, and another - the scimitar-horned oryx of the Sahara - is on the endangered list.
Mr. Hosseini's new novel, "And the Mountains Echoed, " opens with a myth about a giant, horned div who steals children from villagers.
India has deployed aerial drones over Kaziranga National Park in Assam state in a bid to protect endangered one-horned rhinos from poachers.
The park is home to two-thirds of the world's one-horned rhino population and also has a large number of elephants, tigers and other wildlife.
Twenty-two one-horned rhinos were killed in Kaziranga by poachers last year.
The latest census of the Indian one-horned rhinoceros (rhinoceros unicornis) shows there are 534 of the beasts in Nepal, a rise of almost a quarter since 2008.
Much of Kaziranga national park, home to nearly two-thirds of the world's remaining one-horned rhinos, has been flooded for the second time in three months after heavy rains.
India's top federal investigation agency will probe a series of attacks on rare one-horned rhinos by suspected poachers in the flood-hit state of Assam, a senior minister has said.
While the poaching of rhinos may have been reduced considerably, it has gone up dramatically at India's Kaziranga National Park, home to the world's largest concentration of one-horned rhinos.
Drones and other successful anti-poaching measures have also been used by the WWF in nearby Chitwan National Park in Nepal, where the hunting of one-horned rhinos has been drastically reduced.
Hovering around city parks and flower beds are masked bees, miner bees, mason bees, plasterer bees, cuckoo bees, leafcutter bees, horned bees, and at least 49 species of sweat bees.
If you are moved to don a horned helmet yourself, dressing up in marauding Viking style (or chained slave style) is part of the Dublinia experience too -- perfect for kids.
Of the trees that haven't been destroyed, he said 85% are "heavily infested by one or more long-horned beetles" that bore into the wood of adult boswellia and eat them from the inside.
New species of duck-billed and horned dinosaurs were being born at an explosive rate of every few hundred thousand years during the brief time when the two mountain ranges and the seaway coexisted.
Kaziranga, a 330-square-mile expanse on the southern bank of the swirling Brahmaputra River, which flows from the Tibetan Plateau to the Bay of Bengal, is one of the final sanctuaries of rhinoceros unicornis, the one-horned rhino.
The 6-foot-2, 220 pounder with sprinter's speed he was an all-American in the 400-meter hurdles grabbed plenty of headlines and attention with that first Friday performance against the Horned Frogs and ended the first month of the season with more touchdown passes than incompletions.
Between them they named 130 species, doubling the number known to science, though many were so hastily identified, and based on so few bones, that they turned out to be duplicates (such as the massive herbivore apatosaurus, a.k.a brontosaurus) or mix-ups (such as the three-horned triceratops, which Marsh swore was "one of the largest of American bovines").
This snarling, fire-snorting Chimera, which has a storied history, epitomizes the mythical monster that figures in many classical Greek texts and was first mentioned, among those that survive, in Homer's "Iliad": it's a dramatic fusion of a lion's head and body, a serpent forming the tail, and a horned, bearded goat's head and neck protruding from the spiked spine of the lion.
WSJ: The Imaginary Made Nearly Read | The Chimera of Arezzo | Masterpiece by Judith H. Dobrzynski