But, with Brown out greeting Zuma, we won't see the candidates for PM locking horns today.
At the truck depot, drivers gave demonstrations of the wide range of melodies of their horns.
They argue that the horns drown out singing and chanting, the traditional soundtrack for soccer.
Drivers honked horns as passengers hung out of windows, cheering and waving Kurdish banners.
An opening burst of orchestral color soars, but gets muted in a haze of French horns.
Car drivers honk horns and wave flags bearing the country's national red and white colors.
Venture capitalists around the world are pulling in their horns, but not in India.
But once I got to San Francisco, I like, I grew horns and a tail.
The horns are used in traditional medicine in countries such as China and Vietnam.
BBC: Black rhino threat: Poachers target Kent wildlife parks
Cheers rang out and horns honked, while others lit candles at a memorial at the site.
Right here, where we just stopped, your attention has to be to the horns.
Early on Saturday, small groups of Kenyatta supporters celebrated in Nairobi, hooting car horns and singing.
"There should be a way to be cooperative with artists rather than locking horns, " Baker says.
Residents of the surrounding middle-class neighborhoods converge in their cars, honking their horns in raucous support.
Questions will cover issues concerning the tyres, brakes, fluids, lights, reflectors, direction indicators, and horns.
The honking car horns dissolve into the excited chatter of teen-agers in the lobby.
Jubilant Kenyatta supporters flooded the streets of downtown Nairobi, honking horns, blowing plastic noisemakers and chanting.
Suddenly, a startling cacophony erupts in the modest-size room--drums, horns, cymbals crashing-- raucous and percussive.
He also asked the undercover officer to procure more horns and send them to Hong Kong.
England lock horns with Australia again on Sunday in the first of two Twenty20 internationals.
For Gress, it's an update of how horns intertwine in old New Orleans jazz.
All of which leaves Mr Putin, not just Mr Clinton, on the horns of a dilemma.
The reserves do so because they don't want the animals killed for their horns.
Signs have appeared telling drivers to honk their horns if they love the army.
Teenagers revved their motorbikes outside and others ran to their cars just to beep their horns.
Horns are also used in the Middle East to make handles for ornamental daggers.
The air was alive with the sound of air horns and chants from the rival supporters.
Mr DeLay could not be a better villain if he had horns sprouting from his head.
Somebody has to take the bull by the horns and get things sorted out.
At any rate it is with the Supreme Court that the prime minister has locked horns.