Last April, seven water companies in southern and eastern England introduced hosepipe bans affecting about 20 million customers.
BBC: Southern Water: Hosepipe ban is 'very far away'
Interestingly 2007, which saw some of the most severe flooding in recent memory, also started the year with hosepipe bans.
BBC: Science & Environment
Hosepipe bans affecting about 20 million customers, introduced by seven water authorities in parts of southern and eastern England, remain in place.
BBC: Drought may last until Christmas: Environment Agency
Areas in southern and South-East England were experiencing very low groundwater levels, prompting a number of water companies to impose hosepipe bans.
BBC: Met Office: 2012 was UK's second wettest year on record
Good news for anyone worried about all the talk lately of widespread droughts and hosepipe bans comes courtesy of the Daily Telegraph.
Water companies introduce hosepipe bans, pointing to dry spell five years ago.
BBC: Fifty words for rain
This time last year much of England was suffering a severe drought with seven water companies in the south east enforcing hosepipe bans and restrictions.
BBC: Lake Vyrnwy in Powys
Southern Water lifted its hosepipe ban on 13 June, with the last four companies removing their bans on 9 July.