Hours after the fall, the charismatic politician gave an interview from his hospital bed.
He came onto the phone now, clearing his throat, speaking weakly from his hospital bed.
Another showed Ware in his hospital bed, holding the trophy his teammates brought to him.
Community hospital bed closures in Cornwall have hit staff morale, health campaigners have said.
So sick he couldn't walk, Benton lay in his hospital bed bitter and resentful.
They arranged for an electric hospital bed, so that he could sleep with his back raised.
I'm not writing this from a hospital bed nor, thankfully, while receiving cancer treatment.
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There are "individual services" - things like a school place or a hospital bed.
But conducting public business in a hospital bed does not sit well with some of Swift's opponents.
The 30-year-old woman moaned in a hospital bed as a doctor tried to adjust her broken shoulder.
They wanted Attorney General John Ashcroft from his hospital bed to approve the continuation of the possibly, illegal surveillance program.
This increased to 7, 683 in 2008-09, a rise of over 20% and equating to 11, 865 hospital bed days.
The study also showed the height of the nodes around the hospital bed didn't significantly affect breathing measurements.
ENGADGET: Researchers use wireless network to monitor breathing, could save lives
They are not on life support machines and they do not lie apparently lifeless in a hospital bed.
Huguette Clark is lying in a hospital bed, and the two men handling her fortune are under investigation.
Rich says she still can't climb stairs easily and spends 23 hours a day in a special hospital bed.
Speaking after the fire from his hospital bed, Marin recounted his improbable escape.
Shortly after she did, the building collapsed, she said from her hospital bed.
However, David could not cope with the news that someone else yet again had been given his hospital bed.
On Wednesday, the public learned that Giffords was able to rise from her hospital bed and stand with assistance.
Patwari also tested the wireless network with no one in the hospital bed.
ENGADGET: Researchers use wireless network to monitor breathing, could save lives
They were the people who believed in Hulk Hogan whether I was down or out, or in the hospital bed.
FORBES: Hulk Hogan on Personal Branding, Family Life and Reality TV
Gerald Madrid, the flutist, told the affiliate from his hospital bed that he was stabbed five times in the back.
This makes sense for a chest implant, but a pump that sits next to a hospital bed is another story.
There are the surgeon's fee, the operating room charge, equipment and supplies, the hospital bed during recovery, and other costs.
Kearney said she never doubted her ability to walk again and continued to lead her team from her hospital bed.
Several photographers and cameramen were allowed to take pictures of Begum on Saturday afternoon as she lay on her hospital bed.
Merina told BBC Bengali's Rakib Hasnet from her hospital bed that she had been trapped inside the rubble for four days.
He intervenes and she turns up at his hospital bed, bringing him one of her Kewpie dolls to keep him company.
Cornwell, who was unfortunately dealing with serious health issues at the time, filed the appeal on August 25th from his hospital bed.
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