Sentencing, Mr Riddle handed the boy an initial six-month hospital order under Section 37 of the Mental Health Act.
The judge at the time, Mr Justice Jack, made a Section 37 Hospital Order under the Mental Health Act.
At Exeter Crown Court, the judge Mr Justice Jack made a Section 37 Hospital Order under the Mental Health Act.
He was given a 12-week hospital order so a psychiatric assessment could be carried out before he is sentenced on 4 January.
Deane admitted manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility in April 2008 and was detained indefinitely by the courts under a hospital order.
He said that the UK health authorities should prepare to treat patients at home rather than hospital in order to limit the spread of the infection.
He has extensively drug-resistant TB and is being held in an Arizona hospital under court order.
GPs to play a big role in commissioning hospital care in order to curb costs.
But New York City's Bellevue Hospital had to order the evacuation of some 500 patients after back-up electricity failed.
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Candy recalled feeling another sort of happiness, too, when she had crawled over the railing of the hospital bed in order to lie next to her mother one last time.
Minallah said the family could not have prevented an autopsy at the hospital without getting an order from a judge.
The manipulation of hospital waiting lists in order to meet government-set targets is inexcusable, but those quick to criticise the individuals involved may not be aware of the repressive nature of central NHS management.
The personal injury lawyer was initially placed under federal quarantine at an Atlanta hospital - the first such order since 1963.
People involuntarily committed by court order to a hospital for psychiatric disabilities within five years would not be allowed to possess a gun, up from one year under current Connecticut law.
Bedlington Magistrates Court issued the Asbo after he was convicted of a public order offence at Wansbeck Hospital.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Tyne | Man's ASBO will apply nationwide
Nearly 80 percent of the pediatric patients in this hospital had to be sedated in order to deal with the scary MRI machine.
In order to close the hospital, SUNY next needs to submit a plan for approval to the state Health Department, which could make modifications.
They wound themselves in order to be sent to hospital rather than jail.
For many years, the Medicare program has made payments to hospitals, called Disproportionate Share Hospital payments (DSH), in order to compensate hospitals for taking care of the uninsured, because Medicare mandates through the EMTALA law that hospitals provide emergency care to everyone, including illegal immigrants, regardless of their ability to pay.
FORBES: How Ohio's Medicaid Expansion Will Increase Health Insurance Premiums for Everyone Else
In order to do that, the hospital will have to buy more of their practices.
FORBES: Medicare's New Plan To Punish Hospitals For Treating Expensive Patients Will Backfire
Information can help eliminate costly hospital stays and free doctors for higher-order tasks such as surgeries.
Last week, the judge ruled that the results could not be used because police failed to read Bryant his rights when they informed him they had a court order to take him to the hospital for the exam.
The hospitalizations were disclosed in a motion by Holmes' lawyers asking the judge to order sheriff's investigators to preserve hospital surveillance video of the November incident.
Judge Lord Uist imposed an interim compulsion order for Morris to remain at the State Hospital in Carstairs.
Under the order, he can only be discharged from hospital with the consent of the justice secretary or by a Mental Health Tribunal.
Obstetrician David Beynon and paediatrician Karyn Maltby, who work at Frimley Park Hospital in Surrey, were made Lieutenants of the Royal Victorian Order.
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Correspondents say it is hoped that such an order may allow victims to be taken to the nearest hospital regardless of whether it is private or state-run.
BBC: Delhi rape: Court says all hospitals 'must treat' victims
The ruling says Bryant indicated he would not go to the hospital, and the detectives then informed him they had a court order saying they could take him for such an exam.
As a result of such workforce migration, Mendes Junior took huge costs to build an entire city in order to accommodate its workers abroad, which included a hospital, schools, supermarkets, leisure and fitness clubs and some 725 houses.
Orphaned infants left in a hospital in the central Russian city of Yekaterinburg had their mouths taped in order to muffle their cries.