The LMB became a hotbed of research, producing nine Nobel Laureates since the 1950s.
The city is also a hotbed of culinary activity, with flavors influenced by its many immigrants.
's headquarters in the central Japanese town of Ogaki looks like anything but a high-tech hotbed.
Canada is eager to position itself as a hotbed of fuel cell research and development.
Hoshyar Zebari, the Iraqi interim foreign minister, says the region has been a hotbed for insurgents.
If you didn't know Africa is a hotbed of six-string wizardry, don't feel bad.
It is a rare year, however, when the hotbed of Texas seems relatively calm.
That move left the valleys hotbed without a fully professional team and alienated many supporters.
The Design District is, as the name suggests, a hotbed of art and design.
Meanwhile, anti-abortion activists demonstrated at the state capital in Kansas, a hotbed of anti-abortion politics.
BBC: Roe v Wade abortion ruling turns 40 amid demonstrations
Naturally, the hotbed of anti-austerity is Europe where they have long lived the entitlement life.
FORBES: Rebellion Against Austerity From Greece To Washington
In the 1920s and 30s the building was the Sunset Cafe, a hotbed for the swinging genre.
The patios of the hotels and bars that line the boulevard are a hotbed of social activity.
Alas, it may take more than bureaucratic fiat to transform Japan into a hotbed of entrepreneurial activity.
About 90 miles southwest of Pittsburgh, Fairmont, W. Va. is identified as a hotbed of millionaires on several Web sites.
His first port of call was Melilla, now a hotbed of military disenchantment over Spain's restive regions.
But the BitTorrent protocol has made it a hotbed for the sharing of copyrighted content like movies and music.
After all, the old Soviet Union was hardly a hotbed of financial sophistication.
While such research is done in a number of countries, Canada seems to be a hotbed of boredom studies.
WSJ: Interesting Fact: There's a Yawning Need for Boring Professors
For the last two decades, TED has earned a reputation as a hotbed of creative new thinking and emergent voices.
And Ritter's already ahead in this new derby, trying to position the state as a hotbed for green technology development.
This week, five American soldiers were killed by a bomb near Fallujah, a hotbed of Sunni insurgency west of Baghdad.
"Soccer is the original hotbed of analytics, " Prof Chris Anderson, of Cornell University, and author of The Numbers Game, said.
The Moei River separating the Thai town of Mae Sot from the Burmese city of Myawaddy is a hotbed of crime.
And this year, one lucky Web startup will get some help making the move to the tech hotbed a permanent one.
So far the GI practice covers only telecommunications, pharmaceuticals and the industry Carey says will be the next hotbed of post-deregulation turmoil--utilities.
The town is located in a tech hotbed and received multiple bids.
Europe traditionally hasn't been a hotbed of entrepreneurship, thanks to incentives like short work weeks, ample vacation time and pervasive pension programs.
Next to Russia, western Europe seemed a hotbed of mobility and progress.
He stated flatly in the Huffington Post (a hotbed of medical misinformation) recently that pregnant women should not get the DTaP vaccine.
FORBES: Whooping Cough Epidemic: Blame The Anti-Vaccination Movement