Unarmed police then arrived to investigate the workers' earlier reports and were attacked, said Ms Hou.
Each count against Hou, 26, and Pan, 47, carries a maximum 20-year prison sentence upon conviction.
When the verdicts were read, Ms. Hou and Mr. Pan showed no emotion and stared straight ahead.
According to Hou, the Web portal Sina, for example, saw its quarter-over-quarter wireless business drop by 15.5%.
Hou also says that if you look closely at the fourth-quarter revenues, there is a silver lining.
Ms. Hou's attorneys have asked U.S. Judge Richard Sullivan to prohibit Ms. Lee from testifying about the solicitations.
Two days later, Ms. Hou allegedly offered to reimburse a prospective donor for his contribution to the campaign.
Hou also has pleaded not guilty to obstructing justice and making false statements.
"It's prejudicial, " Gerald Lefcourt, an attorney for Ms. Hou, said in an interview.
Mr. Pan and Ms. Hou denied wrongdoing and are exploring an appeal of the jury's verdict, according to their attorneys.
Gerald Lefcourt, Ms. Hou's attorney, described the verdict as "unjust" and said his client was not guilty of any crimes.
"In 2011, equipment investments by the telecommunications industry varied by region across the globe, " said ZTE Chairman Mr. Hou Weigui.
ENGADGET: ZTE announces 2011 financials: turnover up, profits down, political scandals tricky
Ms. Hou left the campaign after she was charged in February 2012.
Hou, a longtime master of enfolding historical and personal subjects, here yields up platitudes of the minor artistic beau monde in which Song lands.
Liu's ex-campaign treasurer, Jia "Jenny" Hou, and former Liu fundraiser Xing "Oliver" Wu Pan are facing federal charges of conspiring to break campaign finance laws.
"I have committed 13 years to my company, " says Hou Yunfu, a 35-year-old engineer whose ceibs tuition is being funded by China National Petroleum Corp.
Later, when questioned by defense attorneys, Ms. Lee said she ultimately never reimbursed anyone and never told Ms. Hou or other Liu campaign workers about her offers.
According to Hou, the Web portal Sina (nasdaq: SINA - news - people ), for example, saw its quarter-over-quarter wireless business drop by 15.5%.
In February 2012, Mr. Bharara's office charged Jia Hou, campaign treasurer for New York City Comptroller John Liu, a mayoral candidate, with fraud and obstruction of justice.
Ms. Hou and Mr. Pan were indicted in April 2012 and charged in an alleged scheme to defraud the city of campaign-matching funds through the use of straw donors.
When his father dies, the boy grows up (a moment dramatized brilliantly by Hou in a single jolting cut), and turns into a quietly wild adolescent of the streets.
Spokeswoman Hou Hanmin says one suspect involved in the incident is in custody, but did not confirm the ethnicity or identities of the suspect and victims, the newspaper says.
Before dusk, head west toward the Drum and Bell Tower, located at the south of Hou Hai lake on Gulou Dajie, where you can wiggle your way down the hutongs once more.
According to prosecutors, Ms. Lee is expected to testify that she solicited straw donors in July 2011 at around the same time that Ms. Hou allegedly engaged in the same conduct.
Mr. Pan and Ms. Hou have pleaded not guilty.
WSJ: John Liu Aide Testifies on Campaign Finance Allegations
Prosecutors used instant "chat" messages and emails to make the case for jurors that in the summer of 2011 Ms. Lee and Ms. Hou had been discussing ways of committing campaign fraud.
WSJ: John Liu Aide Testifies on Campaign Finance Allegations
On Thursday, Ms. Lee testified for a second day in Manhattan federal court at the trial of Jia "Jenny" Hou, Mr. Liu's former campaign treasurer, and Xing Wu "Oliver" Pan, a longtime campaign contributor.