Then they waited hours and hours, sometimes days, for news of their loved ones.
It was a largely minority crowd, a lot of African-Americans waiting hours and hours to vote.
Just think - hours and hours of really good kids' programmes from the BBC.
Then why buy a noodle that keeps its shape despite hours and hours of digestion?
FORBES: Empowering Consumers: A Fantastic Voyage To Unseen Information
The Toshiba lasted 4 hours and 36 minutes and the Lenovo 4 hours and 50 minutes.
It takes talent, hours and hours of hard work, and a commitment to excellence.
The meeting went on for hours and hours as I waited impatiently and alone at Singapore House.
Kutcher and Gad are good actors who know that honing their craft takes hours and hours of practice.
FORBES: Steve Jobs, Ashton Kutcher, And The 10,000 Hour Rule
Laura runs educational and fun activities in a safe environment that keeps little girls busy for hours and hours.
FORBES: Raising A Daughter? Then You're PERFECT For Groupon!
To me, once you cut through all the legal details and hours and hours of argument, this case is very clear.
You have to put in hours and hours to start to understand the form, and the same thing is true for gaming.
"The idea is to develop a test that doesn't require people to study for hours and hours to demonstrate their competence, " he says.
Or how about a soap that did not rinse off for hours and hours no matter how energetically you doused your skin with water?
FORBES: Empowering Consumers: A Fantastic Voyage To Unseen Information
Many executives and politicians with whom I have worked over the years had previously spent hours and hours brainstorming dozens, even hundreds, of complex, hypothetical questions.
In the summer of 2009, U.S. forces discovered " days and days and hours and hours" of the drone footage on the laptops of Iraqi insurgents.
"You just have to pay tribute to the hours and hours of practise which has given him the position he is in just now, " Hadden said.
His former boss, Bidyut Sarker, 55, described Mr. Sen as an honest, hard worker who taught himself computer graphics and design, spending "hours and hours" learning.
So by the time I was six years old I would often be doing shows for my whole family that would go on for hours and hours.
It is also why you see the Department cooperating with congressional investigators, including producing 7, 600 pages of documents, and including testimony at hours and hours of congressional hearings.
Instead of spending hours and hours researching, planning and searching out who exactly to mail her resume to, Kayla simply called around and talked to friends of friends.
From 1999 to 2004, he won outright the largest sprint distance triathlon in Kansas City, a testament not only to his athletic abilities but also to hours and hours of early- and late-hour training.
"I had found lion research to be much less exciting than I'd expected - hours and hours of boredom punctuated by moments of sheer boredom, waiting for the lazy beasts to do something, " he said.
It is not an exaggeration to say that Japanese society has been traumatized by the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the effects and dangers of which continue to occupy headlines and hours and hours of television news and commentary.
In a competition between them it took 72 hours to record all the data on to Hollerith's punched cards, which was not vastly faster than the 144 hours and 100 hours taken by the other two machines.
And so Hermione Granger, that charming grind, still goes to the Hogwarts library and spends hours and hours working her way through the stacks, finding out what a basilisk is or how to make a love potion.
Eventually, through hours and hours of conversations with Mina and many ups and downs at home, Rich came to not only accept his role as stay-at-home dad, and the lesser earner, but also to enjoy the opportunities it afforded him.
It's very important we've got a lot of volunteers helping out and without these sorts of people who are willing to put in hours and hours of work, there would be no way we could do what we have done.
Thain must carry out 270 hours work and is banned for three years, Bridge must do 215 hours work and is banned for two years and Leys has to carry out 235 hours work and his ban is for two-and-a-half years.
In my harsh battery test, where I play videos back to back with the screen set at 75% and the Wi-Fi on to collect email, the iPad mini exceeded Apple's battery life claim of 10 hours and lasted 10 hours and 27 minutes.