U.S. manufacturers get lots of relief, but other cuts are smaller than in the House bill.
The congressman declined to give any timeline regarding when a House bill would likely be introduced.
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The House bill (SOPA) is stalled in the middle of markup by the House Judiciary Committee.
Boehner leveled particular criticism at proposed tax surcharges on the wealthy contained in the House bill.
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The House bill in particular has been peppered with several amendments to appease key interest groups.
The House bill would require states to give their permission for drilling on their land.
The House bill has a long road to travel before it becomes US law.
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Bush told reporters he was optimistic the House bill had enough votes to pass the Senate.
President Obama has supported carbon controls, backing a 2009 House bill that relied on cap-and-trade.
And in the longer run carbon prices will rise under Waxman-Markey, as the House bill is known.
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The vote for House Bill 153 was along party lines: 59-40, with Democrats opposing the measure.
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For good measure, the House bill also gets the ball rolling on tax increases on foreign-source corporate income.
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What I have said is that both the House bill and the Senate bill were 90 percent there.
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In a major break from the House bill, the negotiators have so far rejected a public insurance option.
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The House bill also avoids an unfair transfer of wealth from the Midwest and south-east to the coasts.
The Senate bill, along with the House bill, would outlaw this type of discrimination by eliminating pre-existing condition exclusions.
The administration is expected to announce its position on the House Bill Wednesday.
In any case, few believe the House bill has much of a future.
There are hundreds of pages of these programs, almost all of which appear in the House bill as well.
While positive in intent, the House Bill incorrectly places full responsibility for security on government, state and local agencies.
According to Chris McCalla, RTDA's legislative director, the House bill would still subject some stogies to a 2, 000% tax hike.
His group is particularly concerned about provisions of the House bill that require employers to offer their workers health coverage.
The opposition ostensibly is animated by fear that provisions of the House bill would strain U.S. relations with other countries.
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The argument was that that the House bill did not change the terms of the acquisition agreement, and that J.
Unlike the House bill, the Senate plan is expected to include an array of smaller tax measures to help raise revenue.
Advocates for people living with HIV can and should continue to push for provisions in the House bill that they support.
The White House threatened to veto the House bill, however, over concerns the bill didn't do enough to protect privacy rights.
Ross got together with health care industry donors in June, around the same time the Blue Dogs were challenging the House bill.
Until now, seven conservative "Blue Dog" Democrats on the House Energy and Commerce Committee had prevented the House bill from moving forward.
The House bill's resulting investor confidence hasn't been totally factored in to stock prices, says Mickey Cargile, managing partner of Cargile Investments.