An hourlong house call made by a doctor allowed Rowan to stay in bed and read her favorite books.
The vase was discovered by Rodney Tennant, from the auction house, during a routine house call to value the contents.
On a house call a few months ago, we encountered a guy who loves to debate religion and politics with strangers.
So it turned an in-house call center in El Salvador into a separate business, The Office Gurus, that now serves not only Superior Uniform but also other U.S. firms.
The ANC may have been critical of the media in the past for not respecting Mandela's privacy since his withdrawal from public life, but the party rejected any criticism of Monday's house call.
As chief medical correspondent for the health and medical unit, he is a lead reporter on breaking medical news, provides regular health and medical updates for "American Morning, " anchors the half-hour weekend medical affairs program "House Call with Dr. Sanjay Gupta" and reports for CNN documentaries.
Yet President Obama still considered the group important enough to pay a house call to its annual House of Delegates meeting in Chicago, in recognition of the fact that while the AMA may not be able to dictate the terms of what type of health overhaul can pass Congress, it could still help gum up the process.
Meanwhile in the House, Republicans have staged a revolt and are demanding that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi call the House into session to vote on its version of the energy bill.
House Democrats call their measure the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans Health and Iraq Accountability Act.
In Washington on Friday night, protesters gathered outside the White House to call for tighter gun controls.
Republican House staffers call in the conservative bloggers to resist the deal.
Bright New York lights, big stage, national TV audience and Commissioner Roger Goodell in the house to call your name and shake your hand.
Watch his full remarks here or read his full remarks below, and learn more from the transcript of the White House briefing call afterwards.
WHITEHOUSE: Blog Posts Related to the African American Community
The fallout from the game prompted Strathclyde Police Chief Constable Stephen House to call Mr Salmond and write to the Scottish government asking for a summit to address disorder issues surrounding the fixture.
On Tuesday, Obama held a campaign-style event at the White House to call for balancing the impact of deficit reduction so that the middle class and vulnerable citizens such as the elderly don't get hit too hard.
"I have this idea for a project I'm doing in the desert, and it's going to show you how crazy I am, " he says, launching into a description of Lee Grant's house in the movie, specifically the "kind of amazing" Indian print and bamboo bedroom in which Warren Beatty, the house-call hairdresser, sleeps with Carrie Fisher, who plays Grant's teenage daughter.
Boehner and top House GOP leaders held a conference call with all House Republicans shortly before the speaker made his speech.
Shadow environment secretary Mary Creagh said Labour did not oppose the bill, but told the House she would call for amendments to cut water costs for the poor.
Time-wasting calls this year include a woman who reported a cat had crept into her house and a call from a commuter who had missed his last train home.
They said it was against House rules to call the speaker a "cry-baby, " and said Democrats were just trying to divert attention from Clinton's inability to balance the budget.
While he went further than he had previously in urging Mubarak to begin a meaningful transition, he ultimately resisted urgings of White House aides to call outright for Mubarak to resign.
So how would you guys evaluate the way things worked this year and what, heading into next year's budget, if anything, is the White House going to call on Congress to do differently?
"In Scotland a completely silent call is generated from the alarm and the operator does not speak, they listen in to what is happening in the house and the call is recorded for use as evidence, " said a spokeswoman.
The call for service that the officer responded to was what could be considered a burglary in progress or some suspicious activity, and in most cases when an individual is able to present proof that they, in fact, live in the house, the call is resolved fairly quickly.
In the perfect absence of thundering house music, the call of a lone, coarse-throated bird thunders like a foghorn.
The White House said Bush will call Pelosi on Wednesday to offer congratulations.
He will also call on House Republicans to act expeditiously to vote on something very rare in Washington, D.
The White House confirmed the phone call but wouldn't comment on the discussion.