House Government Reform and Oversight Committee Chairman Dan Burton has called for both Reno and Freeh to appear before his panel to discuss the decision process.
CNN: AllPolitics - Reno Defends Independent Counsel Decision
House Government Reform and Oversight Committee Chairman Dan Burton said he plans to call Reno and Freeh on Tuesday to testify about Reno's decision, and Freeh's disagreement with it.
CNN: By Thomas H. Moore/AllPolitics
It's "common-sense reform, " wrote Darrell Issa of California, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, top Republican on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.
WSJ: Goodbye Saturday mail? Postal Service plans cuts
Rep. Dan Burton, the chairman of the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, sent the FEC a letter asking for the review.
CNN: Burton asks FEC to review Democratic funds
House Representative Darrell Issa, a Republican representing the 49th district in Southern California, is also the newly instated chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
FORBES: House Committee Will Investigate Mortgage Banks
In a letter to Rep. Dan Burton, the Republican chairman of the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, Reno made it clear that Freeh agrees with her decision to not turn over the memo, despite the fact the two sharply disagreed over the need for an independent counsel.
CNN: Reno Refuses To Turn Over Memo
The chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Rep. Edolphus Towns, asked if the automaker looked into whether computer problems were to blame for acceleration issues.
CNN: Prius owners blame wild rides on cruise control
Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the investigative House of Representatives Oversight and Government Reform Committee, criticised the seizure of records.
BBC: Associated Press condemns US telephone record seizure