Meanwhile in the House, Republicans have staged a revolt and are demanding that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi call the House into session to vote on its version of the energy bill.
In the perfect absence of thundering house music, the call of a lone, coarse-throated bird thunders like a foghorn.
Watch his full remarks here or read his full remarks below, and learn more from the transcript of the White House briefing call afterwards.
WHITEHOUSE: Blog Posts Related to the African American Community
While he went further than he had previously in urging Mubarak to begin a meaningful transition, he ultimately resisted urgings of White House aides to call outright for Mubarak to resign.
The Congressional districts of seventeen House Republicans are the target of this ad, which some call libelous.
The ANC may have been critical of the media in the past for not respecting Mandela's privacy since his withdrawal from public life, but the party rejected any criticism of Monday's house call.
On Tuesday, Obama held a campaign-style event at the White House to call for balancing the impact of deficit reduction so that the middle class and vulnerable citizens such as the elderly don't get hit too hard.
Yet President Obama still considered the group important enough to pay a house call to its annual House of Delegates meeting in Chicago, in recognition of the fact that while the AMA may not be able to dictate the terms of what type of health overhaul can pass Congress, it could still help gum up the process.
It all comes down to your call on the direction of house prices over the next couple of years.
Vince stands in the tiny foyer of his tiny house, if you can call a coatrack and a mail slot a foyer.
Before dawn on Tuesday, officers responding to an emergency call at a house in the community of Ladera Ranch, about 30 miles (48km) south of Los Angeles, found a female victim dead from multiple gunshot wounds, Orange County sheriff's spokesman Jim Amormino told the BBC.
By partnering with faith-based organizations, local businesses and other nonprofits, the group can call upon hundreds of volunteers to make house calls.
The White House has a weekly conference call with an informal group of Catholic advisers, and the Republican National Committee has revived a Catholic task-force.
Last fall, at the end of its term, King Abdullah dissolved Parliament, the lower house of which is popularly elected, and has yet to call new elections.
It was hard-lined Republicans in the House of Representatives, who most ardently opposed the President's call for a guest worker program.
It was a product that the Speaker of the House endorsed through his own colleagues on a conference call, as has been widely reported.
"There's this pressure to be on call outside of the office, either at your house or while you're on vacation, " she says.
We'll have a more detailed readout of the call that will be sent by the White House probably shortly after we land.
Diana DeGette, a leader of the Pro-Choice Caucus in the House, told Roll Call that the amendments represented the biggest restrictions on a woman's right to an abortion that she has yet seen.
Call or otherwise contact the Senate office or the Congressional House of Representatives by going to Washington Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121.
FORBES: Will The Cost Of Immigration Reform Explode The National Deficit?
And we're speaking with Fred Beuttler, deputy historian of the House of Representatives, who joins us here in - I guess I can call it Studio H144.
So, over the course of the past nine months, I have joined with domestic violence advocates, fellow legislators and countless victims to call on House leaders to end the discrimination against these populations of women.
O.s liked having a house guru, a firm whisperer, on call, and the nature of the relationship gave Bain an interest in something that other consulting companies had little reason to care about after they collected their fees, which was whether the advice they sold actually helped the company do better.
The White House is expected to call for similar rights when it releases its "Privacy Bill of Rights" later this year.
WSJ: Websites Accused of Privacy Violations After Personal Data Reappears
The roll call began with Alabama and proceeding through Iowa after Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert gaveled the convention session to order.
Deputy Administration Johns and Joshua DuBois from the White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships emphasized a few key points on the call.
The congressman apologized Thursday for his "lack of civility" and said he had been directed to call the White House to clear the air.
Mr. Khanna said he received a phone call Monday from the White House's Mr. Edelman informing him of the administration's response shortly before the statement was posted online.
December 1953: In the House of Commons, Desmond Donnelly (Labour) and Sir Robert Boothby (Conservative) call on the government to set up a Royal Commission to investigate the law relating to homosexual offences.
Meanwhile, Democrats turned the spotlight on themselves by trying to exploit the illegally taped conference call between Gingrich, his lawyer Ed Bethune and a group of Republican House leaders.