• Once the Senate completes action on this bill, it will move over to the House of Representative for its consideration.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Senate��s Tax Cut Framework Vote

  • Last year, Mr Lawan chaired the House of Representative committee that produced the fuel scam report, accusing some of those who import fuel of massive corruption.

    BBC: Nigerian Farouk Lawan charged over $3m fuel scam 'bribe'

  • While the Republican-controlled House of Representative could impeach the President, the trial in the Senate would never result in the 67 votes necessary to remove the President from office.

    FORBES: Alleged White House Leaks

  • Finally, I have learned to make the most of our visits to the floor of the House of Representative (two or three times a day for votes) and am usually trying to get co-sponsors on bills or to circulate letters.

    CNN: Passion and pain on Capitol Hill

  • And he suggested that departmental select committees might draw on their expertise in policy areas to draft amendments to bills, which could be moved on the floor of the House by a representative of the committee.

    BBC: Commons Speaker calls for sweeping new committee powers

  • This afternoon, the committee will conduct a hearing on the appropriate penalty for violation of House rules by Representative Gingrich.

    CNN: AllPolitics - Ethics Transcript

  • It will be the first stage in a process of reform to make the House of Lords more democratic and representative.

    BBC: The Queen's speech in full

  • "It is impossible for me to explain to parliamentary colleagues how a measure that has had the support of 42 out of the 44 dioceses failed to pass in general synod, " Sir Tony said, questioning whether the election process to the House of Laity was "sufficiently representative".

    BBC: Women bishops vote: Church of England 'resembles sect'

  • The Speaker is not only the leader of a party, he is the representative of the People's House, and has a responsibility to all members, not just to fellow Republicans.

    CNN: Reaction pours in to Gingrich's decision

  • The statement of alleged violations outlines a complex set of political and financial dealings, at the center of which is Representative Newt Gingrich, a member of the House of Representatives.


  • Early last year the Senate passed a bill to give DC a full voting representative in the House of Representatives (it already has one who is not allowed to vote, except in committees).

    ECONOMIST: Voting rights for DC

  • The Meeting was attended by representatives of the Pacific state parties to the 2003 ICH Convention as well as Cook Islands experts including representative of the House of Ariki (traditional chiefs), officers at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of education, representative of the Cook Islands Voyaging Society and other civil society organisations.


  • Within hours of his party taking the House, Representative John Boehner, the House Speaker-to-be, called it a "monstrosity" and declared he had a mandate to repeal it.

    BBC: US elections 2010: Democratic losses and Obama's agenda

  • At the moment, no one has taken a more prominent, informed and vociferous role in opposing such self-inflicted wounds than the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Representative Howard "Buck" McKeon .

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Rep. Howard 'Buck' McKeon, Keeper of the Flame

  • The bill is sponsored by Republican state Senator Kel Seliger of Amarillo and in the House by state Representative Charlie Geren, who are targeting frequent critic Michael Quinn Sullivan from Texans for Fiscal Responsibility.

    WSJ: Review & Outlook: Texas Targets Conservatives

  • "At the heart of this bill is the vision of a House of Lords which is more modern, more representative, and more legitimate - a chamber fit for the 21st century, " the deputy prime minister told MPs.

    BBC: Clegg defends Lords reforms from hostile MPs

  • His duties as majority leader are to be assumed, for now, by Roy Blunt of Missouri, the House Republican whip, with assistance from David Dreier, a representative from California, and Eric Cantor of Virginia.

    ECONOMIST: America's conservatives take another blow | The

  • He is the architect of the House Republican plan to rein in federal spending and reshape the Medicare program, making him a leading representative of the most fiscally conservative lawmakers.

    WSJ: Paul Ryan Is Latest Republican to Meet With Obama

  • In the House, Representative Solomon is taking the lead in support of these new reporting requirements.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Testimony of Roger Robinson on market security

  • Representative Messer is a member of the House Committee on the Budget and Republican Freshman Class President.

    FORBES: President Obama Should Let The People Decide How Much They Want To Save

  • Perhaps people should be banned from the Lords (or whatever we call the new house) if they have represented, ran as a representative of, or contributed financially to, any of the political parties.

    BBC: Your views on the Lords

  • Representative Les Aspin, then-Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, proposed using the Iraq military as it existed during the 1991 Desert Storm campaign as the baseline regional threat.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | The Measure of a Superpower: A Two Major Regional Contingency Military for the 21st Century | Page: 3

  • Representative Spencer Bachus, the Republican chair of the House Committee on Domestic and International Monetary Policy, said in a letter to SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt that the regulator should delay the listing by 90 days to give it time to "determine whether sufficient disclosure has been provided to potential investors" in the registration process.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Gil Shattuck, a state representative in the New Hampshire House, said he has met most of the candidates.

    NPR: N.H. Polls Marked by Heavy Turnout, Independents

  • For example, Ohio Republican Bob Ney, the so-called Representative Number One in the plea, is chairman of the House Administration Committee, sort of the mayor of the House side of Capitol Hill.

    NPR: Abramoff Plea Reverberates Throughout Capitol Hill

  • First of all, our Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, is here. (Applause.) Our Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis, is here. (Applause.) Someone who cares deeply about our veterans and the education that they receive, our Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, and his wife, Ms. Mullen, are here. (Applause.) Representative Brett Guthrie, Republican of Kentucky, is in the house, and has been doing great work on this.

    WHITEHOUSE: Community College Summit: Opening Session

  • Sir Stewart Eldon, the former UK Permanent Representative to Nato and Dr Robin Niblett, the director of Chatham House.

    BBC: Week ahead

  • "President Obama's reverse course decision will cost the American taxpayer more money and upset our allies, " said Representative Mike Rogers, who chairs the Strategic Forces Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee, which oversees ballistic missile defence.

    BBC: US scraps final phase of European missile shield

  • Representative Timothy Wirth (D-Colo.), head of the House subcommittee on telecommunications, consumer protection and finance, points out that the SEC staff actually has decreased by 5% in the last five years as financial products have mushroomed.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Representative Spencer Bachus urged investors and market players to submit ideas to the House of Representatives Financial Services Committee before September 7, saying that the rule as currently proposed would have a "devastating" impact on the U.S. economy.

    MSN: House panel seeks alternatives to Volcker rule

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