Mr Gardner reminds us that the growth of the population has been far outstripping the hopelessly inadequate level of new house building, while the number of people in employment has been rising.
When I did a programme on benefits abuse, I got four million viewers but if I'd made the same speech in the House of Commons, I would be lucky that forty people outside the House of Commons knew anything about it.
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi on Tuesday pledged to build a new town to house the thousands of people left homeless in the medieval city of L'Aquila, about 120 km (75 miles) northeast of Rome but for many the problems lie in the more immediate future.
Mr Fadhli was formerly an important ally of the president, Mr Saleh, and served in the upper house of parliament as a member of the ruling General People's Congress.
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He has served his term in prison, he's paid his debt to society, no one ever said that the House of Lords is something you can kick people out of and indeed the House of Lords, after a gulp or two, may actually be much enriched by contributions from a prisoner who's really been through it.
She's afraid of leaving the house for fear of being bombarded by people, the friend said.
Do you have any indication that some of these ideas will get bipartisan support, like are people in the White House consulting with people on the Hill about some of these specific proposals and have gotten some indication that they would be accepted?
The announcement of the 2020 end date was made just three days after the Disability Discrimination Bill - which will improve the rights of disabled people - was published in the House of Lords.
The Speaker is not only the leader of a party, he is the representative of the People's House, and has a responsibility to all members, not just to fellow Republicans.
It can also be used to track the movement of people in the house.
Vannatter had testified police were only concerned with the safety of people in the house, and did not think Simpson was a suspect at that time.
An MP has raised concerns in the House of Commons over the parole of a man jailed for killing eight people in an arson attack on a Huddersfield home.
Earlier in the day, Berlusconi pledged to build a new town to house the thousands of people left homeless by Monday's deadly earthquake.
Tiffany, a high school teacher who lives in Northern Virginia, is also one of the thousands of people who wrote in to the White House to share what it would mean to her family if their income taxes went up next year.
Responding to the debate, Housing Minister Huw Lewis stressed the importance of helping house buyers to "ride the storm brewed up by the people of Whitehall".
For people thinking about reverse mortgages, the house needs to be owned by people over 62 years of age and who own at least 65% of the house to qualify, says Thomas Holland, partner at Global Vision Advisors.
Economist Martin Feldstein, a former Reagan administration official who is said to be advising the White House on the issue, recently dismissed the idea of letting people collect unemployment benefits for a longer period.
The head of Mr Berlusconi's People of Freedom Party in the upper house of parliament, Maurizio Gasparri, said he would sue the magazine's editor over comments he made in a newspaper interview.
He just spoke to the Speaker of the House and the Leader of the Senate, to the chairmen of the appropriations committees, and the American people about this.
"I have to remind myself, it took a lot of work to get these people out of the house and into this club, " he said.
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White House spokesman Tony Fratto reiterated the White House's position that people should wait until the testimony of Ambassador Ryan Crocker and Gen.
It knows, for instance, that the whole family's out of the house by 9am, and that people start trickling back in around four in the afternoon.
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The financial crisis really was a severe body blow to us, and a lot of the American people still think the Republicans are in control of the House and the Senate and the White House.
That view was echoed by thousands of protesters at the weekend who demonstrated at BBC buildings across the UK. On Saturday, about 5, 000 people demonstrated in front of the BBC's Broadcasting House in central London, while 50 people protested at its Scottish headquarters in Glasgow the following day.
When the Republicans won back the House of Representatives in the Gingrich landslide of 1994, many of their votes came from people who had previously identified themselves as Democrats.
And that's why I think that for those MP's who've clearly been shown, proved to do something wrong, particularly those that are then suspended in the House of Commons, there should be a mechanism where a small number of people in the constituency can say, "I don't want this MP to carry on serving me".
Once we get a lot of data onto maps, we can really begin to understand reality in much different ways, like where to build a house to increase the happiness of the people inside it, how to make routes that avoid accidents, and how to design better urban systems.
These pose the question of whether people working in the White House should serve only the president, or also some distinct concept of the public good.
In contrast to Lord Ashdown, the Bishop of Leicester said that the House would continue to need people with "an independent view" and argued that "it is clear that an elected House will become a creature of the party system".
They also recorded the sexes and ages of people now living in the house.