One guest house owner compared the smell to standing "at the side of an open sewer".
"It's a long way to come, but people always say it's worth it, " says guest house owner David Marshall.
The house owner, Kevin Steer, said his home had been damaged, and wants lorries stopped from using minor roads.
Police have been given more time to question the husband of a guest house owner on suspicion of her murder.
But that argument has angered Leuchie House owner, Sir Hew Hamilton-Dalrymple.
The trial heard that a still from the CCTV was made into a poster, later shown to guest house owner Mohammed Yamin, 46, who also worked at the Central Mosque in Edinburgh's Potterow.
The works, once owned by Leland and later bought in rapid succession by two dealers, are being offered via Darren Julien, a Los Angelesauction house owner, who will pocket 10% to 20% of the hammered price.
Bill Day, the house's owner, was forced to sell most of its furnishings at an auction in 2000.
Starbucks outsources its distribution business to Kraft, owner Maxwell House, getting a royalty on sales.
The artist disliked the glass walls on the entire side of the house that the previous owner had installed, because he felt the light in Dali was too bright.
The story centres on a beach house from which its owner Kathy, played by Jennifer Connelly, is mistakenly evicted, and which Behrani buys in the hope of making money.
Mr. Warner, of Alchemy Architects, was commissioned to build the couple's house for the prior owner, a real-estate agent, though he has since become good friends with Ms. Feldman and Mr. Lutz.
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While all were close friends or family, no one can love a house as much as the owner.
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The weirdest thing about our new house is that the previous owner plastered opaque film over every window, blocking out all natural light.
Sioeng, the majority notes, was an owner of Mansion House Securities, which intelligence information showed to be owned in part by the Chinese government.
The woman, later identified as Amanda Berry, apparently was making reference to the owner of the house, whom police have identified as Ariel Castro, and who has been charged in the case.
Raul Hernandez, a spokesman for the Philippine foreign department, said two police officers had died, as well as the owner of a house in which the clan had been staying, AFP reports.
Similar to an incident last spring that left a model burnt to near smithereens and damaged its owner's house, the Karma above caught fire in a Woodside, CA parking lot while powered off.
ENGADGET: Fisker Karma owner returns from grocery run to find hybrid EV on fire
Gill Carr, owner of Penryn Guest House, said the Ryder Cup's postponement in north Warwickshire, had led to cancellations.
Novatek is controlled and owned by its Chief Executive Leonid Mikhelson and by trading house Gunvor's co-owner Gennady Timchenko.
The owner of the Devon house only found out when he drove past the For Sale sign after the deal had been completed.
Six fire crews in eastern Texas had to respond this week as a house burned, with the unidentified owner blaming the blaze on a blazing snake.
The commonest, about 60% of the total, are home-owner associations: a house buyer also becomes a member of an association that owns the common areas, levies dues and sets rules.
Some merchants, including Krishnamurthy, the owner of Shanthi Guest House, where I was staying, said demolishing modern structures close to the monuments was justified because of their proximity to the temple structures.
The risk of severe weather is somewhat more modest in Chesapeake Bay, where the required home elevation is 2.5 feet, explains Steve Kieran, architect and owner of the Loblolly House in Taylors Island, Md.
Bright House Networks is the sixth largest owner and operator of cable systems in the U.S. and the second largest in Florida with technologically advanced systems located in five states including Florida, Alabama, Indiana, Michigan and California.
When the owner decided he wanted to house his donkey there, they were kicked out.
When he made the film, the house was being expanded by its newest owner, an Israeli professor.
As Kramer's new owner drove away from our house, thus ended my childhood interest in any pet not covered in fur.
Auction house staff say the painting's owner was stunned at the news.