Not enough new homes are being built in Guernsey, a housing needs survey has found.
The plan calls for housing needs to be addressed across Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk.
Southwark Council said the plans were refused on the grounds of failing to meet affordable housing needs.
"For decades the planning system has not been delivering enough land to meet the housing needs of our population, " he says.
But public housing residents say mixed-income developments provide too little housing for them and do not address their immediate housing needs post-Katrina.
The main goal will be to expand London's economy beyond the financial sector while keeping the jobless rate down and meeting housing needs.
Cambridge's Centre for Housing Planning Research was asked to update the Treasury Commissioned review of housing needs by Bank of England economist Kate Barker.
The Welsh government has advised all local authorities to assess the housing needs of Gypsies and Travellers and make provision for sites where needed.
"On top of that we have to fulfil part of the city of Leicester housing needs, which dictates where they can be built, " he said.
For McCartney, that means helping to address the housing needs of thousands of families still living in Federal Emergency Management Agency trailers or temporary housing.
The scheme, to help address housing needs and tackle climate change, is one of a number of environmentally-friendly new settlements to be built in England.
Meanwhile, the Housing and Regeneration Committee has begun an investigation into how the city's boroughs can meet the housing needs of people on low incomes.
The 2011 Housing Needs Study found the need for housing had risen as fewer people were expected to leave the island in the near future.
Developers Mayfield Market Towns said a new town would create up to 10, 000 jobs and help meet future housing needs in Brighton, Crawley, Burgess Hill and Horsham.
Under the National Planning Policy Framework, local authorities are required to work out future housing needs in their area, and then allocate sufficient land to meet it.
The new mayor, Mr Schell, a former dean of the University of Washington's school of architecture (and once a developer himself), knows that higher-density housing needs to be well-designed housing.
The bill includes measures to allow councils to decide who goes on their housing waiting lists - although central government will set the categories considered to have the greatest housing needs.
However, Ms Kingaby has now said the number of changes made by the council was "worrying" and has requested further evidence to justify how the new plan meets Rushcliffe's housing needs.
Metropolitan Portland's 1.5 million population is already putting pressure on housing needs within the urban growth boundary, and another 700, 000 people are expected to move to the area during the next 20 years.
The report also calls for tenants to be given greater access to shared equity schemes, more flexibility over their individual arrangements and for councils to have increased control over their own housing needs.
It emerged earlier this month that the UK Border Agency had cancelled the contract with Glasgow City Council after the two sides disagreed over the level of funding required to meet the asylum seekers' housing needs.
BBC: Protest over plan to re-home hundreds of asylum seekers
Housing Minister Mark Prisk said that, "with over three million people relying on the private rented sector for their housing needs, we are determined to attract new players to the market and pull out all the stops to get Britain building".
Most believe the housing market needs to be strong for the economy to recover.
In his first interview about his portfolio since he entered government, Mr Boles has reopened the debate over how much more housing Britain needs and where.
Developer Jeremy Rihoy said the island needs housing and it would make good use of an undeveloped site.
The club has sold its current St George's Lane ground for housing development and needs to move by July 2013.
That's caused problems for counties across the state, because they are required by law to find housing for anyone who needs shelter within their borders.
One calls for people with dementia to live in housing that meets their needs, while another says they should be given the support they need to access leisure activities.
He confirmed that although the Welsh Government will be grasping every opportunity the UK Government offers, they will not be adopting this policy as Wales desperately needs social housing.
Trying to stimulate the housing market by purchasing additional MBS only postpones the adjustment in housing prices that still needs to occur to bring about a balancing of demand and supply.
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