But, how could I know if meggings were for me unless I actually tried them on?
' And for my initial instinct to be, Oh god, no... how could I?
If I played dumb, went mute, how could I not end up committed somewhere?
How could I signal to potential allies across the vast black reaches of interpersonal space?
And if I am not happy, how could I be a really good mommy to my boys?
How could I have expected otherwise, as undernourished and poorly prepared for the winter as I was?
How could I sincerely accept their considerate remarks when my stepdaughter didn't recognize or appreciate my efforts in this capacity?
How could I respect myself if all I did was sit on the couch everyday and watch the snow fall?
How could I say to you that words interfered with the world?
How could I explain to you that words no longer meant what they once had meant, that they no longer meant anything at all?
But how could I do justice to my own sense of loss in a way that would speak to others about this universal experience?
How could I be blind to the daily rat race turning ever more people into leisure-free workaholics just to survive my all-too-attractive British models?
BBC: NEWS | Europe | Letter: Europe's stereotypes need rethinking
Ten years ago, I was staring at this tiny little pink bundle, wondering what I had been thinking, how could I possibly take care of this crazy little baby.
How could I not address it at once?
FORBES: How Inbox Zero Became Inbox 50: The Evolution of a Resolution
And so I kind of accepted that unfortunately, now I look back and think, how could I have done that, but I did. 10.19.41 Raphael Rowe Did you witness some of this punishment? 10.19.43 Amberly Knight Every day.