How do you feel about the response you got to your online petition and how do your folks feel about what you've tried to do here?
Let's touch on Easter for a moment, how do you feel and how do you respond to people who say I believe in God, I believe in Christ, I'm a Christian but I cannot accept the Resurrection as a historical fact when I know you regard it as the heartbeat of Christianity?
How do you feel when you know that workers are going to lose their pension?
How do you feel when you lose because your little brother made Yellow Toad accidentally hop on your polka-dotted cranium?
So Kaz, specifically for you, how do you feel that the business has changed within Sony within the games division with the departure of Kurtagi-san?
And also, if this was so hard to get to, just what you have today, how do you feel confident about getting to a legally binding agreement in a year?
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at Copenhagen Climate Change Conference
How much responsibility do you feel like you bear for these cuts taking effect?
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Makes a Statement on the Sequester
And what you have to do is try and maintain a pretty neutral face, and you say, wow, well, how do you feel about that?
After all, if you fear heading to Mexico, how do you feel about the southern US?
How do you feel it's going on the local level where you're operating?
But the question I would ask is, how do you feel about a continuing American commitment that is aimed at protecting you and your family now and into the future?
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing on Afghanistan-Pakistan Annual Review
If you are worried that a laptop powered by a dozen lithium ion cells may burst into flames, how do you feel about cruising down the highway at 70 miles per hour in a car powered by 6, 000 of them?
How do you feel about the various aspects of social change by way of social networking?
How do you feel about venture firms recently heavily using marketing or public relations?
FORBES: Douglas Leone: Sequoia Capital Focuses On Entrepreneurs, Not Self Promotion
How do you feel about the business strategy and the quality of the leadership team?
How important do you feel these modes of consciousness are to ultimate investment success?
How do you feel about laws prohibiting the use of mobile phones when driving?
Venables: How do you feel music contributes to the game, beyond a mood piece.
How do you feel about being thrown back into high school scenarios where your activities are graded?
Mr. KOHUT: Well, we've been asking for a long time now, how do you feel about the candidates?
But more broadly, how do you feel the community's reacting to all this?
And, President Obama, how do you feel about a congressional investigation into this?
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Cameron at the White House | The White House
How do you feel when someone is checking their smartphone every two minutes in the middle of your conversation?
But how do you feel about the, sort of the having to, or the whole conversation about race in this campaign?
How do you feel about the use of full-body scanners at airports?
How confident do you feel about having enough money to retire comfortably?
FORBES: How You Can Adopt the "7 Habits of Highly Confident Retirees"
How do you feel about Romney selecting Ryan as his running mate?
So, how comfortable do you feel having a conversation with someone wearing Glass, considering third parties may add extra features even if Google itself is not involved?