The palms of my hands become sweaty when I am informed how much it is worth.
This equation tells you how much it is costing a company to land a new customer.
To quantify exactly how much it is worth is the point of real-options analysis.
They deny a large sum of money is involved, although they are not disclosing how much it is.
It declined to give clear answers to questions about who is producing them and how much it is costing to air them.
The company declined to disclose how much it is spending on Facebook.
As with its other recent acquisitions, Yahoo didn't disclose how much it is paying for Summly, although British newspapers suggested the deal's value at several million dollars.
It is an inevitable result of the fact that any society that is free in any sense must sometimes rely on individuals to choose how much freedom they want and how much it is worth to them.
"The bottom line is we have a minister we believe has entered a legal process without knowing how much it is going to cost, how much the taxpayer of Wales is going to have to pay and what are the risks" she said.
Look at it from another point of view: an independent Scotland should want to be clear how much it is on the hook if the rest of the UK has another financial crisis, and comes to its northern currency partner for a big bail-out.
In comparison, companies like Seven Cycles, which I swear by, Serotta, and Independent Fabrication (IF) make true made-to-measure custom bikes, but employ a team of frame builders, and you can get them in a matter of months, not years, and know how much it is going to cost.
Nor is it clear how much saving it is legitimate to require.
For it to be useful for broadband services, the amount of spectrum is important, but so is how much of it is in contiguous blocks.
There's something visceral and deeply moving about listening to and watching Sandy survivors tell their stories. (Visitors to "Sandy Storyline" will be able to add their own.) But how much of what makes it compelling is the result of the artistic choices of producers Rachel Falcone, Laura Gottesdiener and Michael Premo, and how much of it is random?
But I think the mythic story of how Genentech is messing up is no more true than the old mythic tale about how much better it is than other drug companies.
The question is, how much of it is actually going to be physically built?
"Everybody is saying how much better it is, strangers don't get access to the back streets now, " she added.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North East Wales | 'Alleygates' tackle estate crime
It shows how much electricity is being used and how much it costs.
In fact, the new social media start-up is not only basing its entire marketing strategy on how very much it is not Facebook, but the very inspiration for the site was based on the idea that Facebook was mistreating its customers.
Life in the oceans is being eliminated so rapidly that science can barely measure how much of it is gone.
The overall effect is deflationary: she shows, example by example, how much better it is to argue about the rights and wrongs of techniques in the here and now than to dazzle or terrify ourselves with techno-futurology.
What's remarkable about "Mysterious Skin, " according to many of the critics who've written about it, is how much of a departure it is from Araki's earlier works.
Think of how much value it is providing to would-be financiers and to their prospective employers.
How much of it is funneled off into the pockets of advertising agencies or celebrities like Palin?
FORBES: Non-Profit Pays Bristol Palin $262,500, Donates Only $35,000 to Charity
Egypt has also been somewhat quiet publicly about how much support it is willing to provide to this international campaign.
And Bob Schukai chimed in to underline how much easier it is to market London to American entrepreneurs and investors.
Comparing the tablet to its predecessor, you won't believe how much thinner it is -- this is Galaxy Tab 10.1-scale skinniness.
Think of Game of Thrones and how much better it is in television form than it would have been broken up into films.
But in the past couple of years, the Web has remembered how much fun it is to watch ridiculous things happen over and over again.
How much of it is AOL spending to launch HuffPost Live?
FORBES: HuffPost Live Chief: We're Doing Great, But We Don't Know Yet How To Measure How Great