"People would probably be surprised if they saw inside how nice these houses are, " Whitaker says.
How nice at the international airport to be spared the nuisance of those arrival and departure cards, and--wow!
And how nice that nearby was the bread and the milk and a walnut snuffbox full of tobacco!
How nice if today's Russians could use the occasion to come to terms with one another, and with their past.
As I sit here thinking of how nice it is, my mind reflects on the history and quality of killer apps.
ENGADGET: Editorial: iWatch app speculation is filler, not killer
Of course, geez, how nice that FINRA cites to so many federal and state rules and statutes in its proceedings and appeals.
FORBES: SEC Sustains FINRA 8210 Document Demand For Third Party Records
Brazilian viewers are discovering more and more how nice this show is.
Imagine how nice your wife will look in her shiny new Prius!
How nice it is of FINRA (and Wall Street as a whole) to finally recognize the existence of minorities within its ranks.
FORBES: SEC Commissioner Aguilar Calls for More Boardroom Diversity
She of course obliged and he was struck about how nice she was: "Very agreeable, bearing in mind her status, " he told me.
Which prompts the thought: how nice if Mr Liikanen and his architects could redesign some other elements of the Union along similar lines.
The Atlantic Wire is one day into an experiment in radical transparency, and the most amazing thing so far is how nice it is.
As the new titles make their appearance, the industry will watch closely to see how nice or nasty they are to the celebrities upon whom everything depends.
ECONOMIST: A fresh batch of celebrity magazines is coming to America
You know, because of how nice it makes me.
FORBES: Fifty Shades of Ewwww: Male HS Girls Basketball Coach Writes Graphic Advice Book For Women
Every schoolchild in Silicon Valley knows the sad story of how nice Steve Jobs helped to found Apple Computer, only for the evil bean-counters to evict him nine years later (now, of course, he's back).
"I was just thinking as Alan and I walked up the stairs, how nice it would have been if one of us had come up in a stairlift, " she said, in reference to an advertisement Dame Thora starred in.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Stars celebrate Dame Thora's life
Anne Marie and I took our honeymoon in Quebec City, and since it was December and cold, we skated, which reminded me of my parents' applauding my skating on the golf course pond, so many years ago, and of how nice that was.
But as magazines and newspapers and books and business offices and schools make their inexorable leap into the digital future, there's nothing wrong with acknowledging just how nice the tactile, comforting, here-when-you-want-me world of words and pictures on paper has been, even while recognizing and appreciating the marvels of the new way.
Despite wearing jeans, we went anyway and was so surprised and touched by how genuinely nice everyone was to me, the underdressed American.
This is also where the speakers are hidden, so it will be interesting to see how those play nice together.
The U.S. will have a divided government for at least two more years and politicians on both sides of the aisle are going to have to learn how to play nice in the sandbox.
FORBES: Before You Invest Take A Look At The Current Macro Environment
FORBES: Tasting Rao's: America's Toughest Restaurant Reservation
Oh boy oh boy does Sony Ericsson know how to get a nice lookin' LCD in there, even despite the occasionally lower resolutions.
The look, the music, it looks so nice but how many hours did they put into this, when they could have been doing something else within the real world.