Trudging through the snow, he pondered how to incorporate the elevation into a future playground.
The challenge of modern communication for children is how to incorporate the local reality in their world-view.
The company's thousands of engineers are looking at how to incorporate semantic analysis into a search algorithm.
Not until the late 1980s and 1990s did architects grapple once again with how to incorporate garages into the urban environment.
Leaders from over thirty Federal agencies have come to learn about how to incorporate prizes and incentive-backed challenges into their work of addressing complex policy problems.
While others are enjoying coffee or lunch, use the time to update yourself on your technology, your competitors, angel investors, or how to incorporate a new business.
Your question is a good one as lots of people are confused about carbohydrates, especially starchy carbohydrates such as potatoes, and how to incorporate them into a healthy diet.
They understand how to read the data, they understand how to incorporate our additional risk factors into the equation and they are there to clarify points we may not understand.
"I think there was some initial hesitancy due to safety and security reasons and because some new fads in technology don't always take hold, " said Kolb, adding that the IACP established its Center for Social Media in 2009 after many police chiefs sought guidance on how to incorporate the technology into their departments.
But we have no billion-dollar National Institute of Health Care Delivery studying how best to incorporate those discoveries into daily practice.
Participants contributed feedback and ideas on how to use the tool and to incorporate it into the curriculum.
Ms Davies presented the Conservative paper, 'A Vision for the Welsh High Street' , to the assembly as she called on the government to publish a response detailing how they will incorporate their proposals into their on-going regeneration review.
But the important takeaway of this conversation is a better understanding of what each person is willing and able to spend, and how your shared spending can incorporate both of your financial circumstances.
FORBES: For Love or Money: 3 Financial Conversations to Have Without Breaking Up
All hires attend a four-to-six-week training course in London in which they learn to incorporate Thai, Indian, Swedish and other massage techniques, and they get advice on how to survive the shipboard life.
How can a business plan incorporate a strong ethics code as it seeks to innovate, brand, and deliver its products and services?
FORBES: Tenet One of Eleven: Ethically Maximize Wealth by Guest Blogger Peter Milan
But I think it's really important for your listeners to understand that understanding how to measure these kinds of effects and how to design enforcement policies in a way where they were effective against crime but also incorporate perceptions and realities of racial bias into the enforcement mechanism - this is all relatively new stuff to the field of policing.
The Socialist candidate explained how he would seek to expand Europe's response to the euro sovereign-debt crisis to incorporate more growth-driven policies.
WSJ: Hollande and Sarkozy, Presidential Candidates, Spar in France
This enables them to incorporate real life data into their research, while providing the host families with detailed guidance on how to best adjust their energy consumption.
FORBES: New Innovative Weatherization Project Will Let Your Energy Consumption Match The Weather
"I will now incorporate weight lifting using 2 to 3 pound weights, and slowly increase it, and teach them how to monitor themselves to be sure they are not increasing swelling, " she said.