Mr. MICHAEL FEINSTEIN (Singer): He says that he frankly said to both of them, you kids are good but you don't know how to write a hit, and I'm going to teach you how to write a hit.
The goal with the Udacity startup course is not necessarily to teach you how to solve all your startup problems but rather to teach you to develop a business model that actually works before jumping into development or writing a plan.
The successful few study for at least five years and are actually taught how to teach (you would be surprised how rare this is on teacher-training courses).
You appreciate the fact that they - you helped to teach them how to get over these things, and you appreciate their resilience, and then they start to see that demonstrating resilience feels good.
So if you plan on stringing a strand of career pearls, you need to teach people who you are and how to treat you from the very beginning.
If you teach a man how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.
As Steven Johnson explained in Everything Bad Is Good For You, video games teach you how to telescope -- to think about the distant ramifications of the decisions you make in split seconds.
Just listening to his story, understanding that kids, when you teach them how to eat and how to exercise, they implement this stuff.
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Can you put two days aside so I can teach you how to write a play?
Instead, most books purport to teach you how to pick winning stocks or time the market.
So through the nine-step success process and identity development, we teach you how to start.
Your core supporters will teach you how to appreciate the brand in ways you could never premeditate.
Experience does not necessarily teach you how to face the unpredictable, nor does it always predict high performance.
FORBES: Managing Uncertainty: The Skills Job-Seekers Need and Employers Don't Know How To Find
His new eBook will teach you how to create a product to fill a need in the marketplace and stand out online.
FORBES: Excerpt: 'Make Something People Love' by Alexis Ohanian
Simple techniques which teach you how to respect each other and not overstep your bounds with each other and help understand each other.
Whether you want to cook like an Italian, buff up on wine or fight like a gladiator, there is a school ready to teach you how.
As a public service, NPR asked some of their favorite chefs to teach you how to cook the kind of food that graces the candidates' plates when they eat out.
"You'll want a career coach who can give you career success strategies and tools, but also inspire, motivate and teach you how to move your career forward, " says Ms. Thomas.
They'll be able to teach them how to prevent, you know, simple illnesses that are actually killing people out there.
When you teach to the test you end up teaching kids how to take tests and not much else.
FORBES: Half of Detroit’s Adults are Functionally Illiterate – So Now What?
Add to that the massive bulge of youth under the age of 20 in India, and you see how this place is going to inspire a schoolhouse near you to teach Hindi.
"I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance with You" was a U.K. chart hit and a sleeper here, helping the band land considerable press attention along the way.
You can teach students how to line edit their work, how to revise their work.
"You have to teach them how to manage the card and their cash flow, " he says.
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"If you think about trying to teach a toddler how to read, and the alphabet, and all that stuff, before they can speak, we'd realize how silly that really is, " Wooten said.
"You can't teach your baby to run before it knows how to walk, " says Mars.
In addition, Key said the title would teach you to dance like Jackson, presumably by scoring the player on how well they can emulate his moves in the game.