When things were going well, of course, Enron's hubris seemed more like mystique.
On a recent visit, a guest marveled at Case's hubris: The Sonoran Desert setting is so picturesque, the activities so singular (and space-demanding--the resort spans 317 acres), the staff so large and highly educated, and the variety of activities so extensive that the idea of all this being both exportable and profitable seems counterintuitive.
There's some hubris in this kind of talk--but Ghosn is entitled to be boastful.
Perhaps surprisingly, there's little hubris at the heart of the local redevelopment effort.
Eager to close the latest deal, bankers massaged egos, playing to the strong sense of hubris in America's boardrooms.
When businesses misbehave competitors react rapidly, taking advantage of one another's errors and hubris and stepping in on behalf of consumer welfare.
This leads to the final problem that has done the most to disappoint OLPC's fans: the hubris, arrogance and occasional self-righteousness of OLPC workers.
Mr Beinart traces America's invasion of Iraq to the hubris that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989.
And although today's House Republicans have inhaled less hubris than they did in 1995, not all of the newer ones are so sure about the lesson of that year.
Willy's shortcomings appear to be caused by a mix of hubris and self-delusion.
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Lewin's vision of Akamai remaking the Internet suddenly seemed more like hubris than genius.
There's no doubt football is our true national pastime, but hubris is hubris.
WSJ: NFL Monday Night Replacement Referee Freakout��Jason Gay
It's easy to weave the Titanic disaster into a seductive tale of hubris, social stratification and capitalist excess.
Ray Perman, the author of Hubris: How HBOS Wrecked the Best Bank in Britain, said the commission's criticism was unusual in singling out individuals.
Mr Clinton's health-care plan was a prime example of trying, with maximum hubris and a tangle of competing working groups, to force legislation through the teeth of Congress.
But by the dramatic conclusion, it's clear that Odets' script was informed both by sensational tabloid headlines and the tragic hubris found in great Russian literature.
Building the Burj Khalifa--the world's tallest building at 162 stories--may have reflected the vision of Dubai, but hubris did not make its host state great.
We thus tend to infuse the passage of time with meaning and to see agency in it as well, whether it takes the form of God's supernatural agency in settling moral scores or nature knocking us off the pedestal of our technological hubris.