• Dr. RICHARD HYNES (co-Chair, Committee on Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research, National Academy of Sciences): Good morning.

    NPR: Defining the Ethics of Stem Cell Research

  • We're going to talk some more this morning about the ethical issues raised by human embryonic stem cell research.

    NPR: Defining the Ethics of Stem Cell Research

  • Geron's treatment for spinal cord injury was the first human embryonic stem cell therapy to receive FDA approval for a clinical trial.


  • Scientists hope human embryonic stem cell research will lead to treatments and cures for many diseases, including diabetes, Alzheimer's and spinal cord injuries.

    CNN: NIH announces owners of stem cells

  • In 2001, President George W. Bush banned all federal funding for human embryonic stem cell research, except on a handful of "pre-existing" stem cell lines.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The Vatican has over recent decades issued blanket condemnations of artificial methods of birth control, in-vitro fertilization, therapeutic and reproductive cloning, and human embryonic stem cell research.

    FORBES: Venter and the Vatican

  • He used to be in charge at Geron and helped fund the research which led to first human embryonic stem cell line being created in 1998 and now heads another company, BioTime.

    BBC: White House stem cell shift expected

  • When the first iPS cells were developed two years ago in Japan and the United States, skin cells were reprogrammed to be able to have properties similar to a human embryonic stem cell.

    CNN: Study: Human fat yields multipurpose stem cells

  • The centre is already under construction and the president of Stanford University, John Hennessey, supported Mr Clark, saying that many scientists were concerned about the long-term impact of restrictions on human embryonic stem cell research.

    BBC: Billionaire suspends stem cell donation

  • The Secretary of Health and Human Services (Secretary), through the Director of NIH, may support and conduct responsible, scientifically worthy human stem cell research, including human embryonic stem cell research, to the extent permitted by law.


  • For the past 8 years, the authority of the Department of Health and Human Services, including the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to fund and conduct human embryonic stem cell research has been limited by Presidential actions.


  • LONDON, England (CNN) -- A breakthrough in human embryonic stem cell research by scientists in South Korea has been hailed as ground-breaking, with the potential to fight a host of ailments, but some people have raised ethical concerns.

    CNN: Cloning success hailed, feared

  • Allan Robins, senior vice president and chief science officer of BresaGen said the NIH and Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson are working hard to move human embryonic stem cell research forward now that they can allocate federal funds towards the work.

    CNN: NIH announces owners of stem cells

  • Edward Kennedy, D-Massachusetts, who heads the committee, requested the names of the research groups who have human embryonic stem cell lines, information on where their research has been published, and details about proprietary rights and what ethical standards were used when the stem cells were derived.

    CNN: NIH announces owners of stem cells

  • The basic techniques of human embryo creation that Dr. Edwards pioneered form the technical foundation of in vitro fertilization, human cloning techniques, genetic screening of human embryos and embryonic-stem-cell research.

    WSJ: Test-Tube Baby Pioneer Robert Edwards Wins Nobel Prize for Medicine

  • First came the remarkable work of Shinya Yamanaka at Kyoto University, who showed it was possible, by activating just four genes, to take a mature cell (he used a bit of skin but other cells would work) and turn it into the equivalent of an embryonic stem cell with the potential to become any other cell in the body of mouse or human.

    FORBES: Cells Get a Makeover, Cancer Follows: A Path to New Therapies (and a Warning to Stem Cell Alchemists)

  • For some, embryonic stem cell research requires the taking of a human life, but for others, it represents the acceptable use of cells from very early stage embryos that would never have developed into a person.

    CNN: Looking for middle ground in a minefield

  • Embryonic stem cell research has repeatedly raised ethical concerns and human eggs are a scarce resource.

    BBC: Embryonic stem cells: Advance in medical human cloning

  • Palin, an evangelical Christian, opposes embryonic stem cell research because it involves the use of human embryos, but her running mate, GOP presidential nominee McCain, does support stem cell research involving embryos.

    CNN: Biden's comments on special needs kids called 'new low'

  • Embryonic stem cells have great potential for treating human disease because of their ability to generate almost all the cell types found in the adult body.

    BBC: NEWS | Health | 'This is a very exciting advance'

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