• The industry will be studying the human factors of the crew on the plane for many years to come.


  • Medical and human factors may have been the catalyst for his decision.

    ECONOMIST: Benedict's departure

  • The developers will present their work at the CHI 2013 conference (the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) in Paris on 1 May.

    BBC: KALQ thumb-type keyboard takes on Qwerty

  • But human factors have also played their part, with over-grazing, over-farming, misuse of irrigation and the unsustainable demands of a growing population all contributing to environmental degradation.

    CNN: Growing deserts 'a global problem'

  • The very real problem of increasingly unaffordable health care is driven by the fact that authors of major health legislation have ignored the human factors that drive health costs upward.

    FORBES: Anecdotes vs. Economics in Health Care Policy

  • These basic principles are not new to digital agencies where it has always been about the user experience, subjecting our work to precise scrutiny, usability tests, human factors and user analysis.

    FORBES: The Digital Advantage: User-Centric Design

  • In light of its mandate in the area of culture, UNESCO will ensure that evaluations under IPBES also take into account cultural services and the influence of human factors on biodiversity.

    UNESCO: Indigenous Peoples

  • Nearly all historic efforts to reduce building energy use have focused on either human factors (change behaviors with tax incentives or regulations) or hardware (use better building materials, improve systems like the cooling and lights, etc.).

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • While patrolling the halls of the CHI 2013 Human Factors in Computing conference in Paris, we spied a research project from MIT's Media Lab called "Smarter Objects" that turns Minority Report tech on its head.


  • "As the stretch to reach all areas of the screen increases, we might start to see more serious repetitive stress injuries likely to the thumbs in larger touch-screen devices, " says Anthony Andre, a professor of human factors and ergonomics at San Jose State University.

    WSJ: Phones Are a Big-Screen Hit but a Bit of a Fashion Challenge

  • And of all the sciences brought to bear in modern automobiles, human-factors engineering seems to be evolving fastest.

    WSJ: 2013 Lexus RX 350 F Sport Review: Dashed on the Rocks of the Lexus Dash | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil

  • One of the lessons from these crisis situations is the power of the three human response factors to get things done quickly.

    FORBES: Capture the Crisis!

  • In the best cases, it is encouraging political scientists to team up in an interdisciplinary way with statisticians, economists, psychologists and even software engineers, to understand the complex interplay between human and technological factors that can influence an election.

    ECONOMIST: How to detect voting fiddles

  • Salmond said all economic growth results from two factors: human capital, and mobilizing human capital to competitive advantage.

    FORBES: Highlights From The Forbes CEO Forum

  • Ultimately, the factors influencing human motivation were so complex, Drucker felt, that no single formula could cover every situation.

    FORBES: To Be a Better Boss, Use a Stick or a Carrot?

  • Researchers will also collect genetic and behavioural data from the subjects in order to build up a complete picture of the factors that influence the human psyche.

    BBC: Scans reveal intricate brain wiring

  • Risk factors include smoking, alcohol, human papillomavirus infection, sun exposure and chewing tobacco or similar substances.

    WSJ: Music Ability Helps Reading

  • But it is a big leap from the laboratory to the real world - whatever our telomeres may say, human lifespans also have to contend with additional factors like diet, drink and stress.

    BBC: Glasgow scientists say telomeres indicate life length

  • Having looked at crisis situations for many years, there are three factors that are always present in the human response to them: Urgency, empathy, and innovation.

    FORBES: Capture the Crisis!

  • Experts said open abdominal surgery is 20 years behind human medical advances and has a number of negative factors on animals such as large, painful wounds, post-operative pain, slower recovery and a higher risk of post-operative complications and infections.

    BBC: Pioneering surgery for moon bear by Edinburgh vet

  • Although researchers could find no link between the crash in cave bear populations and other factors, the event did "coincide with the start of human expansion, " commented co-author Dr Aurora Grandal-D'Anglade of the University of Coruna, Spain.

    BBC: Early human 'squatters' drove cave bears to extinction

  • Austen then considers how strategic thinking relates to other explanations of human action, such as those involving emotions, habits, rules, social factors, and ideology.

    FORBES: Jane Austen, Game Theorist?

  • They fixate on the inanimate stuff of capital and overlook the human imagination, patience and effort to anticipate consumer desires and bring together the many factors of production to eventually satisfy them.

    FORBES: The Role of Capital Has Politicians Confused

  • As yet, there is no explanation for these cases but potential risk factors could be poor diet, the spread of certain strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV) and even a possible lack of sunshine.

    BBC: Mouth cancer rising among young

  • Scientific data focus on bio-physical factors and broad spatial scales, but lack the perspective, societal components and human dimension that Arctic communities require to guide adaptation.


  • Once these factors have been worked through, the integration process begins with a rollout of human resource processes and they begin the process of transitioning the brand to the Vivo model.

    FORBES: The Good, The Bad and The Tragic: Stories of Acquisition for Growth

  • These findings suggest that our understanding of the causative factors of atherosclerosis is incomplete, and that atherosclerosis could be inherent to the process of human ageing.

    FORBES: Was Atherosclerosis The Real Curse Of The Mummy?

  • The success factors include having at least one major university, a strongly affiliated industry group, access to human capital, and a major catalyst or company which creates new markets and opportunities for other entrepreneurs.

    FORBES: The Next Silicon Valley? Small Town America.

  • They are among the freaky factors that make people uncomfortable with mobile applications that act like they know you better than your closest human knows you.

    FORBES: How Sensor Networks Add to Context

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