The Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer safeguards human health and the environment.
Val Cameron said regulations had been brought in, in 2010, "to protect human health and the environment".
We will seek reauthorization and expanded funding for the Superfund program to continue cleaning up hazardous waste sites which threaten human health and the environment.
That is because cars produce local air pollution, which damages human health and the environment, and also produce greenhouse gases, which contribute to global warming.
The science, while theoretically appealing, is seriously incomplete and ill-supported by appropriate evidence, particularly in relation to long-term effects on human health and the environment.
Anti-fracking activists are endangering human health and the environment.
The core research areas providing this critical information are measurement, human exposure assessment, human health, and the environment, in order to inform risk assessment and risk management.
The team, led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and working closely with the Lebanese authorities, is visiting and sampling the sites along the country's coast which are thought to present potential risks to human health, wildlife and the wider environment.
The study was conducted by the European Centre for Environment and Human Health at the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Exeter.
Core research areas addressed in the 2011 strategy include: nanomaterial measurement, human exposure assessment, human health, environment, risk assessment and management, and the new core area of predictive modeling and informatics.
Dr Mathew White and colleagues at the European Centre for the Environment and Human Health found that individuals reported less mental distress and higher life satisfaction when they were living in greener areas.
BBC: Green spaces boosts wellbeing of urban dwellers - study
The research, from the European Centre for Environment and Human Health, is being presented to the annual conference of the British Psychological Society.
BBC: People really do like to be beside the seaside, study says
The final disguised cost of oil is the damage it does to the environment and human health.
The pollution produced by burning petrol in cars imposes a cost on the environment and on human health, yet its price hardly reflects this fact: petrol remains cheaper than water in America.
Martens said they were reviewing the DEC's entire environmental study, which he said runs "several thousand pages" and outlines measures to protect human health as well as the environment.
It is a prerequisite for human health and well-being as well as for the preservation of the environment.
In 1986 London Greenpeace, a bunch of environmental activists (unconnected with the better-known Greenpeace), published a leaflet denouncing McDonald's, the hamburger chain, as a hazard to human health, a killer of animals, a destroyer of the environment and a mean employer.
One IGCP project in 2000 was even at the origin of a new field: medical geology, the science dealing with the impact of our natural environment on human and animal health.
At the same time, plants engineered with less precise and predictable genetic techniques are exempt from EPA review, no matter what hazards they may pose to human health or the environment.
FORBES: 'Let's Move' Toward A More Effective Approach To Obesity
Uphold the right of all, without discrimination, to a natural and social environment supportive of human dignity, bodily health, and spiritual well-being, with special attention to the rights of indigenous peoples and minorities.