Core research areas addressed in the 2011 strategy include: nanomaterial measurement, human exposure assessment, human health, environment, risk assessment and management, and the new core area of predictive modeling and informatics.
The officials said there was no risk to human health and the burgers had been removed.
But England's chief medical officer said the highest level detected posed "very little risk to human health".
Animals treated with bute are not allowed to enter the food chain because the drug could pose a risk to human health.
Meat from animals treated with phenylbutazone is not allowed to enter the food chain as it may pose a risk to human health.
On Tuesday Alun Davies, the deputy minister for agriculture, told assembly members he had confidence in the food chain in Wales and there was no evidence of a risk to human health.
Levels of landfill gas at a site that residents say is so smelly it keeps them up at night do not pose an immediate risk to human health, the Environment Agency (EA) says.
BBC: Dorket Head landfill: Odour 'not a risk to human health'
These range from microwave ovens and laser light shows to home security systems and medical imaging devices. (CDER even regulates laser pointers but not online presentation software, if ever a true risk to human health).
Initially the problem appeared to be confined to two processing factories in the Republic of Ireland and one in Yorkshire, but there was no risk to human health, as the FSAI and others were quick to point out.
Gou has endorsed the growing use of robots by arguing that they can free employees from repetitive and boring work, and some are specifically designed to operate in dangerous or special environments where conditions could pose a risk to human health, China Daily reported.
The Forestry Commission said the product, called Bacillus thuringiensis, poses no risk to human or animal health.
The disease poses no risk to human or animal health and public access to woodlands is not restricted.
It was near impossible these days to have a conversation with a doctor, a farmer, a policeman, a teacher, even a politician and not meet that staring look, that thrust into your hand of some missive from health and safety, human resources, risk assessment or 360-degree feed-back review.
The core research areas providing this critical information are measurement, human exposure assessment, human health, and the environment, in order to inform risk assessment and risk management.
Health and Human Services officials say competition among insurers, as well as provisions to limit their financial risk from attracting high-cost consumers, will exert downward pressure on premiums, and point to the tax subsidies that will limit many consumers' costs.
The president also was to call on the departments of Health and Human Services and Agriculture to come up with a plan to improve the immunization rates for children "at risk" within 60 days.
The Chief Medical Officer, Prof Sally Davies, said the levels would be so low as not to represent a health risk, although she is deeply worried about the long-term threat of antibiotic resistance in the human and animal world.