On the Chilean--Pacific--side of the Andes, that's courtesy of the ocean and the cold Humboldt Current.
The Humboldt hotel, which lost its lustre after Mr Perez's departure, is being restored.
The inn is set on Lake Wakatipu's northeastern shore, looking out across the water to the 6, 000-foot Humboldt Mountains.
Ever since Humboldt's visit, Ecuador has become a popular destination for high-altitude mountaineering.
"We need to get him on the next jury, " Blagojevich said of Scheuch, a 31-year-old event planner from Humboldt Park.
As the ship slowly crossed the Atlantic and sailed south, Humboldt charted the water currents and watched the constellations change.
Picos Bolivar and Humboldt are the only remaining Andean peaks in Venezuela where glaciers still exist, though they are disappearing fast.
That's 809 Humboldt Street, at least that's what it's been told.
But at all the dinners and balls, Humboldt said just enough to entertain the ladies before fleeing to his roof to study the stars.
Normally, the coast of Peru is washed by the Humboldt current, which carries cool waters from Antarctica almost as far north as the equator.
Kennan spent two years in Berlin, learning Russian at Friedrich Wilhelm (now Humboldt) University and taking classes in Russian history at the University of Berlin.
The President made reference to the Humboldt National Park as an example of the Government's policy to give priority to the protection of the environment.
The Humboldt current supports one of the world's great fisheries: despite years of over-exploitation, its plankton-rich waters teem with shoals of Pacific pilchard (anchoveta) and horse mackerel.
Philosophers at the Humboldt University of Berlin, meanwhile, are exploring the various ways in which robotic technologies challenge the notion of what it means to be human.
For example, by far the most famous tree scientist of modern times operates out of Hsu (Humboldt State University) in an endowed chair under my name and money.
From there the crew plotted a course west, riding the Humboldt Current across the Pacific -- it would be more than three months before they saw land again.
The mammals have been boosted by the presence of abundant prey - humboldt squid (Dosidicus gigas), which themselves seem to be thriving in what are generally over-fished waters.
Riggs earned a spate of publicity in October when he defended Humboldt County sheriff's deputies who swabbed pepper spray onto the eyes of several environmental protesters demonstrating in his district office.
And several departments of Berlin's Humboldt University have moved to the Adlershof industrial park in an eastern suburb, to work closely with the 200-plus technology firms that have already moved in.
Peru's Pacific coastline is at the confluence of the Humboldt and Equatorial Counter currents, with warm water in the north and cold water in the south, a recipe for great marine diversity.
The strip south of Quito, where some of the highest mountains are concentrated, is known as Avenue of the Volcanoes - a name coined by German explorer Alexander von Humboldt in 1802.
High up at the barren, lunar peak, while the Indians and mules waited behind in the mist, Humboldt in his black boots and yellow velvet jacket stepped to the rim of Pichincha's crater.
The Tanzverbot was first established by the church and was later adopted by many city governments starting in the Middle Ages, said Wolfgang Kaschuba, director of the Institute for European Ethnology at Humboldt University in Berlin.
However, the abiotic theory of petroleum generation found force in Russia and Ukraine, proposed by such greats as Dmitri Mendeleev (who devised the Periodic Table the classifies the chemical elements), Alexander von Humboldt and Marcellin Berthelot.
The specifics of each project are dreamed up by local groups, so they tend to highlight the diversity of the city, from the Grecian pillars in Greek Town to the Puerto Rican flags in Humboldt Park.
According to a study conducted by Schatz Energy Research Center at Humboldt State University, electrical use per household in urban areas of Humboldt County has shot up 50 percent since 1996, while in Arcata and more rural areas, household electricity use has jumped 60 percent.