Most of the time speechwriting is a more prosaic endeavour, writing for moments that are humdrum.
It is a welcome change after the eight humdrum years she spent as a commercial artist.
Businesses that we regard as humdrum and saturated become, in the developing countries, hot growth industries.
The message is that we can personalise humdrum, everyday transactions by reminding ourselves of their emotional connections.
In those largely humdrum lines of business, BD, as the company is known, churns out ever-rising returns.
The cast offered no talent on the level of DiDonato, but the singing rose above the humdrum.
And the ratio of cool to humdrum was probably about 80 percent hum drum to 20 percent cool.
That does not require a radical rewriting of the rules, but a more humdrum sense of right and wrong.
For starters, Apple watchers expect a relatively humdrum set of announcements on Tuesday.
The best available evidence suggests that he wrote humdrum political and economic reports.
Mostly, though, the speech laid out the humdrum economies of a man whose ambitions ran to political advancement, not wealth.
But the service is generally attentive and the environment usually posh, offering a brief respite from the sometimes humdrum reality of day-to-day life.
While handling humdrum cases, he made a successful run for the city council and a losing one for the school committee.
Humdrum crimes are declining almost everywhere, thanks to better street policing and the ready availability of legitimate ways of earning money.
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It is the gentle yet penetrating lucidity of Mr Eugenides's writing that makes a slightly humdrum plot into so involving a novel.
Its most striking feature is to delegate the humdrum task of ferrying people and equipment to low-Earth orbit to the private sector.
For 25 years Visa operated as a humdrum service bureau for banks, with a bureaucracy as hidebound and inflexible as its computer system.
Most of these firms were relatively small until the 1980s, when several oil companies decided that humdrum drilling chores were no longer worth doing in-house.
When it comes to your work, pitching your next big idea or even applying for that dream job, remember that people don't dwell on the humdrum.
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As happens often in dynastic family business sagas, it fell to the second generation to transform a humdrum business with a combination of chutzpah and panache.
He was an inspiration, with LiveStrong bracelets pushing Americans through their otherwise humdrum lives as the charity of the same name raised millions for cancer research.
This week, the Commons demonstrated that unexpected events can generate a fair bit of parliamentary excitement, even when the business on the order paper looks fairly humdrum.
But in an age where almost anything can be outsourced, even humdrum companies rely on webs of relationships with suppliers and customers that become vulnerable during takeovers.
By 1999, French audiences were already hooked on Mr. Dujardin's engagingly macho character, "Loulou, " in the TV mini-series, "Un gars, une fille, " a parody of humdrum married life.
Between now and then, there will be more than enough time for a few farewells and final thoughts, but first there's the more humdrum task of the handover.
In Japan, where Uniqlo has blanketed the countryside with more than 800 stores, some of the brand's luster has been worn away by strip-mall locations and humdrum atmospheres.
This excruciatingly humdrum collection of attractions is Chicago's strongest magnet.
The appeals court later ruled that the two firms were far closer competitors with each other than with more humdrum stores, but by then the merger had been consummated.
That apart, any excitement in Parliament next week will probably come from the unscheduled business like ministerial statements or urgent questions - because the main agenda is pretty humdrum.
These incidents, embarrassing though they be, fall within the acceptable range of victimless embellishment, those exaggerations that burnish a humdrum existence, amuse our listeners or impress a potential employer.