In the morning they will be hung-over but you will still be passionate.
You wake up in the morning and you're hung-over and, you know, you've got a big hole in your pocket.
"We know that in patients who have an increased risk of heart attack, being frequently hung-over doubles the risk of mortality, " he said.
Acetic acid in the vinegar delays stomach-emptying and acts as an antidiuretic, remaining in the hung-over body longer than water, and allowing it to rehydrate by absorbing salt and electrolytes in the brine.
So why was the prevailing match-day emotion that hung over Cardiff after the 29-25 Springboks defeat simply apathy?
Thompson holed a 50-foot eagle putt on the third hole, relied on a superb short game around the toughest part of the golf course to build a four-shot lead, and hung on for a two-shot win over Geoff Ogilvy that takes him places he always wanted to be.
New bathroom cabinets with bevelled-edge mirrors hung over the upstairs and downstairs sinks.
The dwellers around him in the hamlet had also finished their dinners, and the smoke from cow-dung fires hung over the darkening roofs, a harsh spicy smell, like rough tobacco.
Rovers hung on for a 28-24 win over Saints in March, only to suffer the backlash when Morgan's men were hammered 68-12 at Knowsley Road in May.
The 34-inch waist hung straight and level over my hips with no need of a belt, although my belt slid through the loops of the new pants perfectly.
John's hung around over the next 11 minutes and trailed 54-50 after Nadirah McKenith's free throws with 3:11 left.
During King Hussein's recent seven-month absence in America for cancer treatment, an air of paralysis hung over the country.
The factions seem close to a federal law over how to distribute petro revenues--which might tamp down the violence--but are hung up on who would have final say, the feds or the regional government.