Next, the favored hydrocarbon: natural gas, used for 20% of U.S. electricity.
Gas is a hydrocarbon, albeit the cleanest, so burning gas releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
FuelCell Energy touts the ability of its fuel cells to directly process a hydrocarbon, such as natural gas or waste gas from a sewage treatment facility.
High oil prices and dwindling land reserves are pushing oil and gas companies to exploit hydrocarbon reserves that lie deep under the ocean.
But in the short term, researchers are working on reformers which produce hydrogen aboard vehicles by extracting the gas from methanol or other hydrocarbon fuels -- a process that can release pollutants, though at far lower levels than internal combustion engines, Roan said.
We have seen this principle in play with natural gas, the second in the hydrocarbon triad.
With 78 billion barrels of proved oil reserves (to the U.S.' 22 billion) and uncounted trillions of cubic feet of natural gas, Venezuela has the largest hydrocarbon deposits in the Western Hemisphere.
With 78 billion barrels of proved oil reserves (the U.S. has 22 billion) and many trillions of cubic feet of natural gas, Venezuela has the largest hydrocarbon deposits in the Western Hemisphere.
Craig Venter (famed for his work on decoding the human genome) are collaborating on a study of naturally occurring organisms that live in oil, natural gas, coal and other underground hydrocarbon formations.
That entails a loss of US jobs, loss of US economic momentum and ultimately, a reduced American stake in global hydrocarbon fundamentals: Music to the ears of conventional gas players in Russia, Central Asia, the Middle East and Latin America.
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Add to that our coal and comparable amounts of cheap natural gas, and America is sitting on a hydrocarbon gusher that is unprecedented in scale since the dawn of the oil age.
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Overseas companies already have approached the Cypriot authorities for the construction of a liquefied-natural-gas plant, which will help process and export the hydrocarbon reserves.
Africa is considered to have good hydrocarbon potential, with significant oil production coming from West Africa, and new promising gas discoveries in East Africa.
But a report just issued by the Pembina Institute, a Canadian research group, suggests that the hydrocarbon fuels most likely to make it to market are also the ones that do the least to cut greenhouse-gas emissions.