It is contained within the case of the rocket, into which is pumped a liquid oxidiser called high-test peroxide (HTP), a concentrated form of hydrogen peroxide which is relatively safe to handle.
Hydrogen peroxide is better for the environment because it breaks down to just water and oxygen.
Headwaters is also working on hydrogen peroxide plants and a coal-to-liquids technology in Asia.
This followed a deep-cleaning process known as "fogging", which uses hydrogen peroxide vapour.
Bees also secrete an enzyme that adds a small amount of hydrogen peroxide.
As bees make honey they secrete glucoseoxidase, an enzyme that releases the bleach hydrogen peroxide when it comes into contact with wound liquids.
In the latest case, examples of wrongdoing included suspects using a hydrogen peroxide solution to process chicken claws or injecting water into meat to increase its weight.
Researchers were unable to explain what caused the results, although they did note the treatment led to the formation of hydrogen peroxide, a chemical known to be toxic to cells.
Sunday flight east, he called his girlfriend, who recommended he give Sierra some low-concentration hydrogen peroxide solution, which many recognize as a safe way to get a dog to vomit.
At key points, components will go through further careful cleaning with ethanol and a thorough sterilisation with hydrogen peroxide vapour which, to add to the challenges, has to kept above 15C.
And it's believed that the high chemical reactivity of the surface is due to the deposition of chemically active gases from the atmosphere onto the surface, gases like hydrogen peroxide and ozone.
Unlike the batteries in traditional arms, which die quickly, a small canister of hydrogen peroxide concealed in the arm can last up to 18 hours, and provides about the same power and functionality of a human arm.
ENGADGET: Rocket-powered mechanical arm might boost prosthetic tech
But the industry has a large offsetting advantage: It is still rebounding from a shakeout a few years ago after environmentalists forced paper companies to stop using chlorine as a bleaching agent (many shifted to supposedly greener hydrogen peroxide).
He said in addition to hand washing, other useful strategies would be screening patients for MRSA on admission, regular use of hydrogen peroxide vapour generators to kill bugs in the hospital environment and educating patients and visitors on ways they can reduce risk.
BBC: Hand washing is the most effective way of battling MRSA
Revolutionizing Prosthetics 2009 program, relies on a modified miniature version of the same rocket motors the space shuttle uses to reposition itself in space: hydrogen peroxide is burned in the presence of a catalyst to produce pure steam, which is then used to move the arm.
ENGADGET: Rocket-powered mechanical arm might boost prosthetic tech