We explained our coverage of the David Vitter and Eliot Spitzer scandals by talking about hypocrisy.
"It's one way that Google has made itself vulnerable to charges of hypocrisy, " says Sterling.
Can you explain, since this is back in the news, why that is not hypocrisy?
Companies realise that merely making promises risks adding hypocrisy to the list of charges against them.
This was a difficult task because this could have opened him up to charges of hypocrisy.
But this whiff of hypocrisy is just one of the many problems with this proposition.
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But trade is an area where hypocrisy rears its head more often than usual.
The answer is that it was a political move to expose Republican hypocrisy on tax cuts.
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The immigrant issue gave Republicans, and many nativist Democrats, an air of hypocrisy and even bigotry.
Another virtue of the Buffett Rule is that it exposes the craven hypocrisy of its opponents.
The Conservatives have accused Labour of hypocrisy after they supported budget rises while in government.
BBC: Labour 'repositioning' itself on Europe - David Miliband
That's bad form -- another dose of hypocrisy in a debate that is already loaded with it.
This, rather than hypocrisy, might be the real story of Israel's current relations with Britain and others.
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Her painful contortions about Mr Clinton leave her open to the twin charges of hypocrisy and opportunism.
More important, the conservatism of the delegates does not necessarily show that new Republicanism is just hypocrisy.
The Italian Prime Minister, Enrico Letta, for one, has spoken of "the incredible hypocrisy" on a European level.
Five experiments followed in which researchers examined the impact of power on the moral hypocrisy of the participants.
And it dislikes lectures from Westerners whose own history in Africa lays them open to charges of hypocrisy.
The rancid hypocrisy of publicity-hungry prosecutors and score-settling baseball operatives shafting targets through selective leaks must be stopped.
To switch now "would truly be the height of hypocrisy, " says Matt Keller, Common Cause's deputy legislative director.
In sports, the not-for-profit NCAA and its member institutions is Exhibit A for hypocrisy in the minds of many.
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Perhaps the most interesting part of this study addressed whether the nature of power affected the level of hypocrisy.
On the one hand he criticizes hypocrisy in the church and shows his discomfort with the trappings of power.
So, all of the sudden, charges of hypocrisy were everywhere in the air.
Of course there is little dramatic tension in the knowledge that we were all part of the same hypocrisy.
But with Petraeus, the issue is less about political hypocrisy than professional competence.
But Mr Miliband has been accused of hypocrisy and opportunism by coalition leaders.
But the refusal to disclose the names of donors to the trust has inevitably led to charges of hypocrisy.
But Green accused Mr Bryant of "walking the line between opportunism and hypocrisy".
The sanctimonious hypocrisy of the British tabloid reaction to the pictures of the duchess is presumably born of frustration.