Being a professional in the retailing industry, I also consider online shopping part of my career.
Given the controversial nature of the Shroud, and his claims, I hope Fanti will also consider submitting his results to scientists far removed from Padua, like MIT and Oxford, for example.
FORBES: A Nice App, But The Shroud Of Turin Needs A New Peer Review
That the level of inequality before Thatcher was correct and therefore a rise is a bad thing, and also on what I consider to be measurement errors in that inequality that does exist.
They will also consider 'twinning', i.e. bringing together successful models of groundwater governance for future collaborations.
This morning, President Sarkozy and I reaffirmed our strong and enduring ties, and I've said on many occasions that France is not only our oldest ally, but also one of our closest, and I consider Nicolas to be an outstanding and trusted partner on the world stage.
May I ask you to consider granting my country the honour and also the duty to organise the Games in 2016.
Starting my own business is now also a possible option - I would never have had the courage to consider that before, as I never felt I had the all-round skills to manage a business.
WSJ: Northwestern University - The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
And while I will never hesitate to use force to protect the American people or our vital interests, I also promise you this -- and this is very important as we consider our next steps in Afghanistan: I will never rush the solemn decision of sending you into harm's way.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses Servicemen and Women in Jacksonville, FL | The White House
I'm hoping that this report opens the eyes of parents to become more involved and also consider using technology such as McAfee Safe Eyes to protect their kids online.
That said, I also feel pretty confident suggesting that if you are looking at fixed-income, it would be prudent to consider individual bonds over bond funds and bond ETFs.
But look, what I would say is there also may be a brand management question here in the other direction that the Boy Scouts should consider.