Ladies and gentlemen of the Senate, I trust the Constitution of the United States, but today it is most important that I believe in you.
And if you're willing to stand with me and if you still believe in me just like I believe in you, we will win, Colorado.
When I met your classmates, when I look out at your faces, it gives me confidence about our future. (Applause.) I believe in you.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event -- Richmond VA
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event, Cleveland, OH
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event, Tampa, FL
If I believe in the Constitution, that it will work, then I must believe in you.
My faith in you is stronger than ever. (Applause.) I still believe in you.
And you know what, New Hampshire, I've kept that promise, because I still believe in you.
I've kept that promise, because I still believe in you.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at Campaign Event -- Stamford, CT
This event is important to me not only because I love and believe in this film, but also because I deeply love and believe in all of you.
WHITEHOUSE: Interactive Film Workshop for Students: Beasts of the Southern Wild | The White House
' You can say, 'I still believe in my principles, but I love you.
"To duck and hide from questions in the Senedd is one thing, but I believe you are in danger of stooping to new depths by refusing to answer official Written Assembly Questions".
So I believe what you saw in the past few months is reflective of a deep and strong relationship.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Karzai Press Availability
And it is my sincere hope that even if you believe I have occasionally errored in my reasoning as a fellow conservative, you will still allow - that I have in many ways important to all of us - maintain the record of a conservative.
Chancellor Merkel, if I could ask you, do you believe NATO was mistaken in getting involved militarily in Libya?
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Chancellor Merkel Press Conference
On that note, I also believe you are wrong in the assumption that the disgruntled passenger will pay less to fly.
But for you, Dave, this is a story about how the NFL itself was a willing participant - I believe you say - in the march to the war.
It's something I happen to believe in myself and I've always voted for as an MP and you will see the proposals in due course.
If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd love to sell you.
So even if you don't believe in the severity of climate change, as I do, you still should want to pursue this agenda.
Let's touch on Easter for a moment, how do you feel and how do you respond to people who say I believe in God, I believe in Christ, I'm a Christian but I cannot accept the Resurrection as a historical fact when I know you regard it as the heartbeat of Christianity?
Now, I believe that is possible in the scenario where you are deploying a 1:1 VM to user VDI solution.
It's a sad day for him, us, but you know, I believe in the American system of justice, and he's presumed innocent.
But, if you want to be the best in your circle of friends or in the top five percent in the U.S. population at golf, swimming, Spanish, Japanese, whatever it might be, I firmly believe that you can accomplish that in most cases six months or less.
FORBES: Tim Ferriss: What Cooking Can Teach You About Learning
Well, thank you -- thank you very much for that, and thank you for what you said about the relationship between our two countries, which I believe is incredibly strong, but as you say, I think can get stronger in the years ahead.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama & Prime Minister Cameron at G20 Summit
"But there was no solicitation during the events and the guidelines, which I believe were made available to you also yesterday in the documents, made it clear that there was to be no price tags on these events, " Clinton said.
If you believe any of this, I need to talk to you about ocean front property in Nebraska.
FORBES: How Ed Whitacre Saved GM In Just 10 Months, And Other Fables
If you believe, as I do, in free, competitive markets, that TBTF rate advantage is repugnant.
Specifically, this book that I am holding in my hand, do you believe this book?