Whenever I'm depressed, I can look at it and feel encouraged by the fact that I own a Tiepolo, even if I was the only bidder.
Now I can look back at it and thank God, as I did then, for using me as an instrument to call for one million black men and nearly two million black men came.
"I can't look at it and say rider error, and I wouldn't want to, " he said.
If I'm on leave and it's blowing a gale I can look out at the sea and think thank goodness I'm going to be in bed tonight but when it's nice weather I can look forward to going out and doing my next ship.
"I talk the way Shakespeare wrote, that's how I look at it, and if they can't get Shakespeare and his accent right then heaven help us, " he said.
"You can look at age, but I think it just comes down to us taking every opponent seriously, " said Thomas, who's 40 years old.
Everything - anything is possible I assume, but we look at it and go that - I don't know how you can go clean this up.
"You can look at the location, but I think it's more what a bowl can offer in terms of experience, " Harris said.
Teams have done it, but I think if you look this season you can look at Burnley, how much they've struggled after a fantastic start.
You can think of it as the same wines for less money, but I prefer to look at it as more wine for the same money.
"If I can't look at a business and give you a three-sentence pitch as to why it is a compelling value proposition, I probably don't want to be in it, " Capellas says.
Mr. FLASH: I can remember at a point when I would look - when I would think about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame it was like this building that had a mote with sharks around it.
"I've always said that the Magners League is a fantastic tournament, but we must look at how we can make it more sexy and competitive, " the ex-Leeds Tykes director of rugby told BBC Sport Wales.
My gut feel, which is far as I think we can take it on the numbers available, is that the iron ore price is more fragile than a look at purely steel demand would show us.