He had a very strong trust in me, and he knew that I cared about him.
"To me, the card meant that the boys and girls knew how much I cared for them, " she said.
He was watching me to see whether I cared about the people here.
All I cared about was I did my part and I had a finished project to give to my boss.
He decided to focus on board games instead because "I cared more about having work my kids could relate to, " he explains.
WSJ: When Work Is Fun and Games: Eric Hautemont, Days of Wonder
For five years I cared for my mother who had Alzheimer's disease.
She was engaging, charismatic and wonderful and I cared for her deeply.
So I just want to let President Abbas know that I said when I took office this was an issue that I cared deeply about and I was willing to spend a lot of time and energy and political capital on.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with Palestinian President Abbas
"As a human being it is very difficult not to have sympathy for somebody that I cared about deeply, but it is also important to remember that that person that I cared about deeply did not in fact exist, " she replied.
As much as I like Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks, I never cared for "Sleepless in Seattle" for that very reason.
CNN: Review: 'Next Stop Wonderland' not much of a destination
What I found was that I really cared about creating great advertising and marketing for these businesses who were telling amazing stories.
FORBES: Meet the Tech Blogger Who Moved to Nashville for a Nursing Job
One of the sickest patients I ever cared for was able to completely turn her life around by committing deeply to establishing very strict routines that helped stabilize her sleep.
"I wanted to make sure someone cared about the pieces as much as I do, " she says.
While my family and friends cared that I was unhappy, they didn't truly understand what was bothering me.
In my early 20s, I spent night after night questioning whether the person I was dating truly cared for me.
When I read the CBS poll and they said 70 percent of the American people thought the President was -- cared about people like them, I came to the conclusion that 70 percent of the people believed that he cared about people like them.
Had Knox been a plain-looking, middle-aged mouse, I doubt Oggi would have cared much.
Nobody cared I said that I was training to be a psychoanalyst.
And as a negotiator who makes sure the other side feels respected and well cared for, I know that nurturing can be as potent and critical as winning battles with military weaponry.
FORBES: General H. Norman Schwarzkopf: Negotiator and Military Man
Tell Bill to get a few down into the South Cove and have them well cared for until I come home and we will go up and take them out, perhaps if he should drink a bottle St Croix that they would hand around then.
You're the ones that made Engadget something that people cared about, and I'm not sure I can properly express my gratitude for that.
"I never found that they particularly cared about me, " he said.
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Gentle Mary, from whom foolish children ran in fright, but who braided my hair, cared for me like I was her own and talked of the sea and the stars.