"Every time I close my eyes, all I can think about is the explosion, " Botello said.
Even now, when I close my eyes, I can picture my old house, which seemed to shrink each day under the weight of poverty.
If I close my eyes, I can see my mom's kitchen windows steaming up from the simmering gravy, hear her banging her wooden spoon on the rim of the gravy pot, and smell the meatballs sizzling in olive oil.
At night: As I sit quietly in the dark and stretch my arms out between them, while my boys fall asleep, I ask myself: Should I close my eyes or should I think through our next email campaign, or sales tactic?
"My dear child is dead, and all I want now is justice so I can close my eyes and know she didn't die in vain, " the mother, Syeda Mohammed Ali, told CNN.
"I couldn't close my eyes, " the father of five said in Spanish, relying on a translator throughout the news conference.
"I go to bed and close my eyes and feel so incredibly serene, " he said.
"I'll close my ears and eyes during the scary scenes, " she promised.
Even though I'm close to legally blind, I don't have to obscure my piercing blue eyes with glasses, because I wear contact lenses.
"There are times when I put stuff on my credit card and close my eyes, " she says.
WSJ: Cross Training: A Racer on Ice Dreams of Summer Games, Too
His shirts were always crisply ironed, and I used to watch him across the hedge, then close my eyes and imagine that he was walking toward me, coming to claim me as his.
Mr. KING: (Singing) I heard it's 3:00 in the morning, can't even close my eyes.