Having all my friends about me I couldn't just let him run off with it.
It was exciting in one way, but it was scary in another way because it was like, you know, I couldn't just be me and I had to behave.
But once I ejected from Nasdaq, I couldn't, just couldn't, get back in.
"I started imagining sounds that I just couldn't make from traditional instruments, " he said.
"I just, it just all came out, tears of joy, I just couldn't stop shaking, " she said, laughing and crying at the same time.
"I just thought this couldn't happen, but I had to believe it and I just thought I'm never going to see her again, " said Katie, whose parents asked that her last name not be used.
"I'll have more energy in the championship rounds because I was working so hard to make super middleweight that I just couldn't carry my strength through the full twelve rounds, " said Magee.
"It's just been incredible and I feel so blessed with it and without the support of my family I just couldn't do it, " she said.
So I've been thinking about that, working with the script for a bit, when I was done Oscar-campaigning and everything, fulfilled my duty, I just couldn't wait to jump into this film.
"I was one of those people who just got changed, got in the shower and I just couldn't soak it all up, " he added.
"I was just looking at the totals a few hours ago for the first time this morning and I just couldn't believe that we've had 1.4 million to vote by absentee ballot already, " said McLean.
It was just so stressing me out the pain that I had that, maybe it was overreaction, but I just really couldn't breathe.
"I used to get really stressed out when I couldn't succeed, and now I'm just like: I do my best, " she said.
So I ended up having to stay an extra day for nothing, just because I couldn't get a flight home.
He's - I just couldn't vote, for me I'll stay home (unintelligible) and vote for Democrat.
They just wanted me to come home and have family time and I just couldn't.
CNN: Single mom fought alongside combat troops in Afghanistan
' It was this Ford freight train coming and I just couldn't stay in front of them.
"I just couldn't imagine that such a historic and artistic community could lose its ethnically diverse center, " he says.
"I knew you just couldn't keep getting in trouble like that, walking guys without centering one, but that's just what happened, " Baker said.
"I just couldn't do a great lap as I managed in Q1 and Q2, but we are still pretty strong, " the Brazilian said.
Whatever the reason, this was unbelievable information I just couldn't process.
And for me, if you are the best player in the world, you should be able to hit many, many different golf shots and I just couldn't.
"In the first season of the American show, we were trying to create the despicable boss and the despicable employees, and I guess we just couldn't follow through on it, " says Hank Steuver, TV critic for the Washington Post.
If it was thigh-high or up I couldn't catch it, so I was just trying to get anything down in the zone.
"It's going very nicely after a week off, it's just a shame I couldn't pick up another couple of birdies at the end, " said Poulter.
When somebody told me that I couldn't do something or be something, that just gave me a greater challenge to prove them wrong.
WHITEHOUSE: Roundtable with the First Lady and Mary's Center Teen Program | The White House
When she discovered I'd just left Poo-Pourri she couldn't have been more supportive of their efforts.
Usually I practice before my matches, 30 to 35 minutes, today it was just 10 or 15 minutes because I couldn't play more.