"When the sentencing was read, I didn't understand what was happening and even now it seems impossible and still I don't understand why I was convicted, " he said in a prison interview through his lawyer the week after the sentencing.
"I don't like to answer definitions like that that are grounded in science or something else that I don't understand, " he said.
"I don't understand why they don't accredit Hinduja, " said Soumya Swaminathan, director of the National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis, part of the government's network of biomedical research institutions.
"I'm not bashing anybody don't have anything against anyone I just don't understand it, " NFL receiver Mike Wallace tweeted Monday.
"Uefa want to make the league stronger and more prestigious so I don't understand this decision, " he said.
You know, I don't understand, people lighting up your comments section on your blog.
Ms. JENNINGS: I don't understand all of it, but understand it enough to run to it.
"I don't understand people who get into administrative positions and leave science, " says Stanley T.
"What I don't understand about the Internet, I ask James, " says the elder Murdoch.
The Mint's is an ascending minor scale a choice I don't understand, as it sounds slightly ominous.
Ms. PULIDO: Not as much as - well, see, you know, I don't understand the story.
These gymnasts, I don't understand what they're doing. (Laughter.) I cannot even walk on a balance beam.
And so I don't understand how you can say this demonstrates a commitment.
Actually, originally, I came with the Pakistanis, but they sent me to the Arabs because I don't understand Urdu.
"I don't understand why, with all of the success of the show, they suddenly need to change it, " he said.
Not so much getting elected but getting nominated because of the social positions and social views, which I don't understand completely.
"I don't understand the implications in technology and the Internet, " he says.
"I don't understand why he's not been given a shout but it's good for us, " said Swann ahead of the final Test.
And I don't understand -- and this is my question for you, is that I know you care, I know you're trying.
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"I don't understand 'proving to the world that you did it for legitimate reasons, '" she said, quoting Kerry's remarks during Thursday's night's debate.
It is rare for me to see foreigners here at the traditional market, and I like talking to them, but I don't understand English.
"I don't understand the argument of our linking to Dan Carter when we have three of the most gifted outside-halves in Welsh rugby, " said Jones.
"I don't understand why you'd want to do this, " he insisted.
But I don't understand how this deals with two of the three pillars of the recession or the potential recession or the slowdown is high energy prices and the foreclosure crisis.
While I confess that I don't understand the difference between waiting "a considerable period" and being "patient, " it has become abundantly clear that the Fed's next move will be to raise rates.
Mr. NICOLAS SARKOZY (Minister of the Interior, France): (Through translator) In the face of more frequent and more violent crime in Saint-Denis, I don't understand why the number of people incarcerated is down.
"I heard Senator Kerry say that there was some kind of global test that you ought to be able to pass to support pre-emption, and I don't understand what that means, " Rice said.