"If you got DirecTV I feel bad for you son, I got 999 channels and you just lost some!"
So, I mean, you know, I feel for him in terms of, you know, what he has to deal with now, but the bottom line is the NBA is going to have to, you know, implement some stronger rules and regulations and also make people accountable.
There are no words that can express the amount of gratitude that my husband and I feel for the work that you do.
Trust me, I feel your hurt for the people that you knew who lost their lives, as I knew people as well.
For option trading, I feel you have to look at the daily analysis to get your entry signals.
You know, I feel bad for both of these guys, because they're - it's hard for them to get the public's attention.
NPR: Democratic Gubernatorial Hopefuls Struggle in California
Mr. THOMAS: Well, you know, I feel bad for them because I'm they're an American institution and they make good cars, or at least they make good trucks.
Boy band JLS provoked a high-pitched frenzy on the red carpet before winning the prize for best video during the ceremony for Do You Feel What I Feel?
There are certain places you feel tennis was made for and I think this is definitely one of them.
" The AP quoted the movie star as emoting, "It is difficult for me to talk to you because I really feel duped...but more importantly I feel that you betrayed millions of readers.
Several memorial services were held for the singer, with both fans and celebrities paying tributes to the self-proclaimed Godfather Of Soul, who was best known for hits such as I Got You (I Feel Good) and Living in America.
They look at your face and I feel that, you know, kids tend to look to their parents for cues.
Under the health care law, beginning in 2014, refundable tax credits (okay, you already know how I feel about these) are available for certain taxpayers to buy health insurance through state-based exchanges.
FORBES: Why A Vote on the Medical Device Excise Tax Is The Biggest Deal Ever for Obamacare
So I feel like it's an obligation for me to share some of that with you.
WHITEHOUSE: Roundtable with the First Lady and Mary's Center Teen Program | The White House
And, you know, I got a sense for how strongly people feel about this when I went to Woodstock, Virginia.
Sometimes it takes a little bit of time to get readjusted when you've been off for so long, but I feel good.
Mr. MCWHORTER: Well, you know the way I feel about it, although I know for many people this would raise hackles, is that those people aren't leaving.
Please feel free to take my hand, as I know this may be unfamiliar for many of you.
This is pretty extreme altruism, (although I'm sure you'll feel a sense of satisfaction from doing the right thing for the planet).
However, I was hesitant to do a comic about myself because I just didn't feel like that was appropriate for the subject matter, being that I was just a volunteer and not really, you know, someone who's directly affected by the hurricane.
Let's touch on Easter for a moment, how do you feel and how do you respond to people who say I believe in God, I believe in Christ, I'm a Christian but I cannot accept the Resurrection as a historical fact when I know you regard it as the heartbeat of Christianity?
In fact, when the Business Roundtable came to us with a list of things that they felt were adding uncertainty, I mean, I will tell you some of the things they have on the list, which were equal-pay-for-equal-work laws, our attitude was, you know, feel certain that I think women should be paid as much as men -- (laughter) -- and you should just take that to the bank.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with Economic Recovery Advisory Board | The White House
But my understanding is that, for those who were here -- I have friends who were in Washington -- you could definitely feel it.